Ok guys starting my growing journal now.The point of this is document and share all my expirience thrue the entire grow.All ideas and opinions are wellcome here.Will try to keep this simple read and respond to all posts and keep updating every x days or every important manipolation I make.Let's give u some more info about the grow and I want u to perdon mu bad english.Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
AREA:4'x4'x7' growing tent.It is imitation of the Secret jardin's Dark Room.Realy wanted the Dark Room tent but this one was offered me from the guy in the growshop as cheeper variant almost the same.ILUMINATION:400W Sylvania Grolux HPS 125mm cooltubed with Lumatec digital regulated balast.This was the best offer I could find in the market here.Realy wanted some more powerfull equipment but will stay on 400W for now.STRAINS:1.Pyramid seeds Wembley x 22.Pyramid seeds Galaxy x 23.Pyramid seeds Anubis x 24.GHS Jack Herrer x 2(Will start those later since they are sativas and want to keep them smaller).5.Ripper seeds Double Glock x1(was a freebie from cannabis magazine gave it a chanse)VENTILATION: 1 extractor VKO1 125 mm 169m3/h on the top of the tent and same one for the cooling tube pushhing air frim outside.Cheepest ductMEDIUM: Soil.Going for different stage with different kind of soils.I know is better to transplant to similar kind of soil but prorlbably will be used root stimolators after transplant.Ok so I ak using: Seedlings:10-15% biobiz all mix and 85-90% soil from the local growshop.The guy told me it is good it have realy nice texture like a sponge.Smell earthy not too strong very bio and healthy Will post later its containing. Vegetating:Around 70% BioBizz All Mix with 30% of the soil from my grow shop. Flowering:Biocanna Terra plus or other similar with bone meal and guano or I will prepare my own mix.POTS: Seedlings 0.5 liters Vegetation 5 liters(early veg)Flowering 25 liters(final of veg also in those pots.)GROWING METHOD:TOP SCROG The idea is to TOP the plants after 5 or 6 undernote and change the life cicle after 80% of the screen fill with green masse.Also want the plants to stay at least 45-50 days at 20h ligh after the veg start.If more than 80 % is filled and my plants don't have 45-50 days veg I will force them to grow verticaly upsaid the net. The problems that can occure are comming from the different type of genetics.(5 strains)Also will have 2 sativa dominant plants that will grow faster and keep grow in flowering stage also.Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Planetarify" post="19397144" timestamp="1390553787"]Looking forward to seeing how it goes I myself would like to grow but I have nowhere to do it. [/quote]Well I was alot of time like u with no place to grow but if u want domething realy enaught it will hepend.Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Here are some pics with the half liter pots cooking downside the lampSent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Seeds where planted on 20.01.2014 directly in the soil.Didn't use any pregermination methods.For me it is risk of damage the seeds and wast if time.Today they all looking something like this:Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
nice start mate I'm sub,d for the grow . I like cool tubes you can get them so close to the plant without burning its amazing .
Well still it is off probably will use the extractor with thermostate or timer and the fan for the cool tube idk what u say is right but the noice is problem here.Anyway now temp is okSent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
silencers are fairly cheap , when mine is running I leave the extraction on permanently so the plants have non stop fresh air , it also helps with the smell during budding because I have passive intake ( no fan ) just a four inch inline duct fan with carbon filter . I try to go by the (kiss) principle (keep it simple stupid ) light air and nutes are all I worry about . though we all learn as we go so I say just do whatever makes your baby's happy .
[quote name="Highly Medicated" post="19397522" timestamp="1390565597"]silencers are fairly cheap , when mine is running I leave the extraction on permanently so the plants have non stop fresh air , it also helps with the smell during budding because I have passive intake ( no fan ) just a four inch inline duct fan with carbon filter . I try to go by the (kiss) principle (keep it simple stupid ) light air and nutes are all I worry about . though we all learn as we go so I say just do whatever makes your baby's happy .[/quote]Well I looked for silencers in web saits of nearly growshops- nothing,only there is a duct with inside isolation but it looks like more for heat isolation not for the noice.Do u know some other methode to beat the noice.It is my first time dealing with this problem.Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ok,nice to see all of my 7 seeds showed over the grownd.The cotiledones of someons are free now and starting turning green collor.I have them in the shadow neer one big pot for the next 12h to prevent some kind of burn or stress causd from the bulb:Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I've seen home made silencers , an air tight wood box built around the inline fan suppresses sound heaps . and the seeds look good.
Well I looked for them in google there are someones that works like sgun silencer but here growshops don't sell them.Also they are big like 7-8 kilograms and looks like a carbon filter.Are u talking abot the same thing?Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
no I ment home made . but I have seen silencers that attach to the carbon filter and the inline fan and yes they look similar to ducting just twice the size . but I can't say for sure I don't use one , I was just suggesting you look into it if noise was an issue . try YouTube they probably have a few clips on making a cheap one .
Well the balast I have is digital and it increase lamp potency by 10%.Always can be added some cheep CFL in the late flowering.I don't think want too mutch;the lumens per square ara fine.Sent from my GT-I9505 using Grasscity Forum mobile app