400hps all the way help help newbie

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by subwoofer1000, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hey Ive got my 2 plants entering Veg and I just hooked em up with 16/8 with a 400w HPS,
    HOW LONG UNTIL THEY PREFLOWER? adn anything useful from 400w users would be great! thanks.
    I HAVE A COMPLETE GROW LOG FROM DAY 1 to now ( DAY 25):cool:
  2. Please, remain calm. There is no need to YELL!!!

    I would go 18/6 instead of 16/8.

    Preflowers will show after week 5. If you want to know the sex sooner, flip them to 12/12 to flower them

    Manage your heat and distance with the 400W HPS and you should be just fine.

  3. Welcome to the party! I'm 3weeks into
    flowering with my 400hps & things are
    looking good. Only thing different I will
    tell you is that I vegged under a metal
    halide, then switched to the hps 1 week
    before swithing to 12/12. Watch temps,
    ph, and keep a safe distance to prevent
    leaf burn or light bleaching. Best advise,
    read,read, and check out all sticky's
  4. 400 watt's of hps is a great source for a starter to learn the basics, an can easily be maintained in most residential scenario's they will easily be enough to make a properly vegg'd plant yield 2-3 oz a pop. and a 400 watter in combination with uniform growth is amazing results for the considered amount of consumption... :smoke:
  5. :DHEY YOUR ALL AWSOME, thanks. I have realized that its too hot out of my control with the HID lamp, but im using 327w of CFL's now in both HPS, and MH spectrums. And the growth is... Aight. really not bad at all. check my grow journal i got it goin for my grow. You can see they take MUCh longer with CFl's

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