Hey been reading around here for more than 5 years, finally on to my first grow! Today marks week 5 of flower so i guess its going to be a second half grow journal if anyone is interested... Im posting it up here so Im not alone during the most crucial stage of my grow... And i thought it was a little creepy seeing how many grow journals I have read and I he'd yet to post my first grow! Anyways.. Im growing 2 god buds and 1 mind bender, both from a local dispensary. I haven't heard great things about the mind bender genetics but its all I could find while I'm at school. Fox Farms soil Techna flora recipe for success starter kit nutes. The two god buds are in 5 gal smart pots and the mind bender is in a 3 gal smart pot.
Hey ! Those look really nice man, good job have you ever thought about doing a SCROG grow ? you have the perfect tent for it ! also how long did you veg for ? cheers
Thanks for sharing. Looks like you have a pretty good handle on the situation. I look forward to your "back end" grow journal. Peace
Thanks for all the quick replies.. I vegged the god buds for 1 month after I bought them as clones. Unfortunately I literally just chopped down the mind bender...3 weeks early.. PM had started to take over it from the back side that is tucked up in the corner of my tent and I wanted to try and spare my two larger plants. This sucks...
Durtyswede, I am absolutely SCROGing next time! I think as I continue growing I will lean towards 2 large scroged plants as apposed to several smaller ones.. This is my first grow, however, so my plant count opinions could very well change What do you all prefer? Especially with a setup similar to mine? Big plant scrog or SOG?
I am rocking a 400 hps and 540W cabs and I personally am trying out the higher plant count, just to see how well it works. Got 10 plants in a 30"x16" space, all in solo's under the HPS for now, once I have clones transplanted they are going into LED cab. Reason being is because I want to harvest perpetually eventually, so the plan is to harvest a plant each week, and move it down the assembly line as it progresses. It really depends on your goals, if you want to run several strains like I am, SOG might be better, but if you can wait for the extra veg time a scrog will work best if you don't want to run several strains, or have perpetual harvests. It just requires a few extra weeks of veg. Here's a pic of my HPS cab to give you an idea of how I'm trying to cram them in this is two weeks of veg, now 6 days into 12/12, I have room for about 4 or 5 more if I really wanted to squeeze more in IMO both are great ways to grow, but your goals may be totally different than mine, I'm shooting for 7-14 g a plant for my first run, when in full swing I should have about 30- 40 plants at every stage so very little downtime in between harvests. Sent from my Spaceship using the GrassCity App.
wow thats awesome you got them to that size in a month Im jelly man my plant is about a month and a week into veg and is definitely tiny tiny tiny compared to yours and I have very similar conditions as you haha. I just started my first SCROG that's why I was asking if you were thinking of doing one right now I only have one plant and its a royal purple kush this thing has the most massive fan leaves it's nuts, anyways even with a indica strain with massive fan leaves, in our size tents, I believe your spot on with having two plants at a time for scrog ! I wish I had two going right now to be honest haha. I read also from doing research that depending on your strain, you could even have one plant that you fill the net up with by training and you could yield just as much as from two plants. I imagine you would need a sativa to do that though. I haven't really looked into SOG but I guess its just layers of netting rather than just one ? Im looking forward to seeing the outcome !
Durtyswede, from my understanding, SOG is short for Sea of Green; which I guess just means lots of smaller sized plants (usually christmas tree shaped) they yield less per plant...but with the correct number of plants-squarefeet-wattage ratio I have seen others on this sight pull huge harvests. I can't remember what the ratio is for plants pre square feet of grow space, but just guessing, I would put maybe 16-30 something plants in my 3x3x6 room. Im sure someone who actually has first hand experience with SOG will chime in
I am planning on running a sog style perpetually if you look up my thread. Im just waiting to move my home this month so i can start my flower tent up again.
DazedAndStoned, perpetual is what I hope to get into down the road when Im not moving every year. Right now I'm not relying on my grow for all my meds.. I would love to never buy from the dispensary again but right now I need more THC than I have room/capital for, which is honestly making it really difficult for me to make these decisions as silly as it sounds hahah. I will probably stick with the scrog for now. Another big decision will be 2 of the same strain or 1 indica, 1 sativa as both help me tremendously in different ways. What strains do you have running at the moment?
I have thc bomb, plushberry, sleestack x skunk, cali kush, and the doctor. But have not flowered any of them yet.
My last grow was my first one, and it had 3 known strains, 9 plants. Critical mass, green crack, and grape god. The rest were bag seed as filler so i could learn what i was doing.
http://www.wormsway.com/en/gkit1 For anyone interested, this is the exact setup I'm running (bought the kit). with the addition of a smaller LED that pulls 90 actual watts, and some cfls. Probably could have saved $100 but the convenience and assured quality (from this and every other mmj forum) was more than worth it. I would recommend this to anyone with who is trying to get started growing in the $500 range
ohh okay I see, that sounds epic having that many plants in a contained space ! Would it be expensive buying that many seeds though all the time ? To me SCROG sounds better because it seems more cost effective and maybe less maintenance ? I think you could definitely do both you would just have to time and plan the grow very well. I don't know enough to give advice about SCROG haha but I think the main things about it are the net height from the plant (indica's are short, sativa's tall) and the switch to flowering light cycle because the plant still grows larger and you have to compensate for that
SOG, Sea of Green. A method by which a grower places rooted cuttings (clones) in a concensed area, or not. Using a short 2-3 week veg period to keep them short. Photo period is changed to 12/12, generally after 2 weeks of veg. The reason you use clones is so you do not have to sex plants and cull them in the middle of the grow bed. SCROG Screen of Green. Generally used with both clones, and seedlings. The idea is that you can grow from seed, and train/tie down your plant stems as they grow and stretch. You have to cull males, if you use seedlings, but you can still gain maximum yield bu traing plants all over the screen. Hope this helps clarify these methods a bit. Peace