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400+ Chemicals Debate (FUN FACT OF THE DAY)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420Hazo, Jun 17, 2009.


    Found this article online on a very nice website, and thought i might share it with you guys. Now i know most of you probably already know this, but just some cool facts that you might...not know?

    Q: Are there over 400 chemicals in Marijuana?

    A: Yes, but so what? There are also over 400 chemicals in many foods, (including coffee, which contains over 800 chemicals and many rat carcinogens) and we don't see police arresting people in McDonald's, or giving Driving while Eating citations. Only THC is very psycho-active; a few other chemicals also have very small degrees of psycho-activity. People who use marijuana do not get sick more, or die earlier, or lose their jobs (except to drug tests), or have mutant kids... so what's your point?

    The fact that there are over 60 unique chemicals in cannabis, called `cannabinoids,' is something that scientists find very interesting. Many of these cannabinoids may have valuable effects as medicine. For example, `cannabinol' is a cannabinoid which can help people with insomnia. Doctors think that this chemical is why most patients prefer to use marijuana rather than pure Delta-9-THC pills (called dronabinol) -- the cannabinol takes the edge off being `high' and calms the nerves. Another cannabinoid, `cannabidiolic acid', is a very effective anti-biotic, like pennicillin. Many of these chemicals can be extracted from marijuana without any fancy laboratory equipment.
  2. Man I love weed.

  3. Agreed. +Rep for just... awesomeness :D I'm in a great mood too
  4. Me too! I had a firecracker before work.. It's slow and these are entertaining to read. Thanks!

  5. nice man
  6. No one knows where the term 420 came from (for sure, the san rafael high school thing is not confrimed and it is not the police code for weed either), I sometimes wonder if it comes from the 400+ chemicals thing. If its over 400, maybe the exact number is 420.

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