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40 Day Challenge

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Woofer, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. I went to a party last night and one of my buddies was there that had quit smoking weed for about a month now. I talked to him and started to ask him why he quit. His response was The 40 day challenge. He said it was to show discipline. Which didn't really make sense cause he pretty much just replaced smoking weed with drinking lol. But anyways he bet me that I could not go 40 days without smoking because I am "addicted" and I hate my sober so I get high. I beg to differ. I have been getting high everyday for about a year and half now(mostly because there is nothing better to do and I have the option of doing it so why not?). So starting today, I am not going to smoke for 40 days, to show true discipline. You know what day it is 40 days from now? April 20th ! Can't wait haha i'm gonna smoke so hard. :smoke:

    Just thought i'd share this little story aha maybe some of you will take on this 40 day challenge for yourselves to see if you really are "addicted" and to see if you can discipline yourselves.
  2. Ill admit I rack discipline but not smoking weed isn't a problem
  3. Save up your weed money,to buy a shit-load once you finished the T-break.It better be good money your getting out off the bet.Your tolerance would really drop,which is good.

    Good choice.
  4. I'm doing 3 months, i am currently 19 days till i can toke!
  5. Why don't you smoke for 40 days straight instead?
  6. He is trying to prove a point, I dont see what the issue is since he wants to do it. Plus its good to take breaks to come back to reality and clean out your system and lower your tolerance.
  7. Your tolerance is going to be shot. Enjoy having your mind melted on 4/20 :D :bongin:
  8. Fuck discipline, I have weed. What's this discipline shit?
  9. I'm not sure why you guys need discipline in the first place, I don't smoke often even though I could smoke all the time, sometimes there are better things to do. Other times I'll go smoke and be industrious and go out, it doesn't really matter to me, but I've never felt a need to get high, because I don't think of being high as anything better than being sober, its just different

  10. Thats so crazy... Me too. Like exactly the same length and exactly the same number of days left. Did you start on new years day?
  11. In my opinion, if you can stop for a week you can stop for as long as you want. I could smoke pretty much however much i want, whenever I want. But I still take breaks for 4-7 days every month or so.
  12. #12 Iluvatar, Mar 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2012
    I hope you're a nice $$ amount outta that

    And as far as the "addiction" thing, its pretty easy to get mentally attached to something - it happens with all kinds of things, I don't feel the need to prove that I can not smoke for 40 days or however long.

    I can understand taking a couple week or maybe month long tolerance break, though. It would be nice to get super high from one hit again

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