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4 out of 4 ladies.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CaraLynn, May 10, 2016.

  1. What are the odds!! I planted about 40 bag seeds about a dozen sprouted, 5 survived the bugs. I gave one to a friend, leaving me with four. 3 are definitely female. The fourth I think is a female but still a little early to be 100% (for me atleast this is my first grow) [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SPH-L520 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  2. Congrats !
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  3. Make that 5 out 5!!! The one I gave a friend is female too!! Have a 6th one from a separate batch looking female as well. I am convinced it is the banana peels I cut up and added to the soil!

    Sent from my SPH-L520 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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