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4 grams of Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Moya, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So picked up 4 grams of this kush today aswell as a quarter of some shrooms. It'll be a good weekend. This kush is probably the second best I have ever smoked, so much crystal and sooo fluffy.

  2. nice man toke up!
  3. Can't talk about other drugs but sounds like a fun time :smoke:
  4. Another example of great outdoor buds. I almost like outdoor more than indoor. It might not look as good, but it smokes great and that's all that really matters. Plus you can trim the leaf and it'll look better than indoor.

    Sweet nugs! :bongin:
  5. seems to be indoor.. bud doesnt typically calyx unless under lights

  6. Is it really? I've been smoking for a while and I'm only just learning the differences. It looks like outdoor to me because a lot of the leaf isn't very frosted, but now that you mention it I guess that isn't the end all be all answer.

    Someone should make a thread explaining the differences between indoor and outdoor. I just assumed buds that had a lot of leaf like that were outdoor.

  7. It was made in 2010, so I believe its ok.
  8. Didn't even see that :laughing: just saw it in current
  9. Funny shit how it just NOW got a comment on it lmao
  10. I was pretty sure this was a new thread. Wow. That's funny. You know what else is funny? Singing mashed potates and blueberry muffins with bras and panties on. :smoking:

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