Hi All,, I picked up White Widow clones last Friday (11-25) and transplanted into my RDWC System, and they have had Droopy Leaves ever since. They tend to pick up a little during the day, but still tend to look sad I did a water change on Monday and added a very small amount of AN G,M,B.. I have been struggling a little with getting my PH to balance out, but I have been hovering in the 5.8 - 6.2 range and slowly working it down to where I want to be -> 5.6 My PPM this morning was 228 The air is a little cool right now at 67 degrees in the tent, and will get to 76 later in the day. My Humidity is up a little this morning at 45%,, but has been about 40% for the last few days. My water temp is from 66 in the morning to 72 during the day. Two of the Girls have JUST SPROUTED ROOTs from their net pots, and Two of them have yet to POP Of course my concern is that they are all still looking droopy,, and dont really seem to perk up much as the day goes on. I figured it may be some transplant shock, but then, I would hope we would be over that already. The leaves look healthy with no New Damage that was not already there when I picked them up, and as mentioned above, 2 of them have already shown roots through the net pots, so I am concerned/confused a little with this one. This is my First Hydro run, so just consider me a newbee and let me know what your course of action would be
I'm not versed on clones but I'm pretty sure that they need higher then 40% humidity and don't get put into a system until you have roots growing.
I would like to get the Humidity up a bit, but I don't think 40 - 45% is the end of the world.. As well, the two extra clones I had to purchase that are still in their Black Plastic Containers, have been in the same environment, and they look just fine. I had to buy 6 clones minimum, so I have a couple left over that I am hoping to find a Patient in need,, that I can hand those off to. Of course they were rooted when I put them into the system, and as mentioned, I am seeing roots starting to poke out of the net pots. With as small as they were, those roots really had to travel to make it out of the net already.
[quote name='"Beachbound"']I would like to get the Humidity up a bit, but I don't think 40 - 45% is the end of the world.. As well, the two extra clones I had to purchase that are still in their Black Plastic Containers, have been in the same environment, and they look just fine. I had to buy 6 clones minimum, so I have a couple left over that I am hoping to find a Patient in need,, that I can hand those off to. Of course they were rooted when I put them into the system, and as mentioned, I am seeing roots starting to poke out of the net pots. With as small as they were, those roots really had to travel to make it out of the net already. [/quote] Then the clones are just being assholes lol. I have no idea cause I grow from seed but thought I'd throw that out and keep ya company
That's cool!! So how are you doing with the seeds? I am thinking about trying that next time, cause getting clones is kind of a pain the ass.. I would clone myself, but I just don't really have the room right now.
First of all, I'd get rid of that tin foil on top, so we can see what you're working with. The clones, did they come to you in rooting plugs, or soil? How much air power do you have in each bucket? You want a minimum of 1 watt of air pump power per gallon of nutrient. So you will need a 4-5 watt pump for each of your 5 gallon buckets. If you have less than this, your plants are suffocating from lack of oxygen (same result as over-watering in soil). Get more bubbles in there, and they should perk up. Don't add any more nutrients until the roots hit the dwc, then start easing into them. Additionally, the droopiness may be due to a lack of sufficient root system, they aren't mature clones yet.. You can spray them a few times a day with water phed to about 6. Won't hurt to spray the media a few times a day, too, until the roots reach the DWC.
There is not much to see under the foil.. The clone medium is under one layer of hydroton and is sitting on about 3 layers of hydroton in order to get it high enough. The clones came rooted in a dark brown sponge type of medium. They didn't know the name of it and said it was like rockwool, but not fibrous. And as I squeeze it, it is just like a sponge. I have an ECOair 18watt air pump with a 4" round air stone in each bucket, as well the water is returned to the bucket in a waterfall (helping with aeration) I might try giving them a PH Water spray shortly and see what happens.
They are rooting and stressed...leave em alone, keep the numbers in check. Sure the temps and RH are maybe not ideal, but lets stop for a second and think about the variety of conditions MJ thrives under outside. I get super impatient with my grows and want to see things happening every time I go in there. Of course this is totally unreasonable on my end, but maybe you are expecting too much, too soon. You've just given the roots all kinds of room to expand assuming they were crammed in a tiny rockwool cube on some dispensary shelf not being cared for except with a mind to turning a profit. Went through the same thing as you about a month ago...Rough looking at first, then after about a week and a half of rooting they absolutely went apeshit. I've since chopped em down cuz of some other suspicions I had about the plants, but no doubt about it they got huge fast. Patience...I above all people know it's a rough one. Sounds like you have a good grasp of the fundamentals, and I'd bet once they get some roots under em they blow the fuck up for ya.
Thanks for the replies, i added an air stone per bucket cause what the hell? It couldnt hurt, but at this point they are not even perking up. So i am just watching and keeping my levels in check. Hoping for the best..
Beachbound, Sounds like you're doing what's right! Give the little ladies some time, they'll be okay. Don't increase nutes until they all have roots in the DWC... That spongy stuff is like a "rapid rooter" or a like product. They work well enough. I think they'll be just fine in a few days!