4 days old..but i don't know (pics)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jheankhrist, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. jan 18th i planted it after germinating for 24hrs.
    jan 20th it started to sprout a little.
    and today this is what i woke up to
    i don't know it doesn't look right to me..any suggestions?
  2. gwt your lights closer lol
  3. Your plant is very stretched, meaning it is reaching for light becuase it isnt getting enough. What is your lighting setup, im guessing you are useing fluros of some sort, if so you can get them as close as 2 inches away from that little sprout with no problem given they arnt putting off much heat at all.
    Also that soil doesnt look to good, what kind of soil are you useing also?
  4. miracle growth and im using one cfl but i havent turned it on cause i read that they dont need light for the 1st few days...must of read wrong lol. the light is now on though
  5. i'm still on my first grow, but i'd say you need to move your light way closer to the plant. it appears to be stretching.

    also, m.g. is a total nobro. it's like you eating 6 double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds at every meal.
  6. ^^^ damn i didn't know miracle g was that bad, is it still possible to grow though?
  7. Thats right. Especially when its that small for the "miracle".
  8. #8 §à†áÑ, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Of course, plants love light... Light, water and CO2 they usualy enjoy lol.
    Turn that puppy on like youve already done, and get that cfl a few inches away from it, make sure it doesnt actually touch the plant, getting it as close as 2 inches away wont hurt it at all though.
    Nothing to worry about with the stretching, that stem is going to harden up and wont be so floppy, also when you transplant that plant, if you still have a good bit of area left from the soil to the bottom of the first set of branches you can actually plant it further down in the pot and cover up most of that area with soil and given enough time roots will eventualy start to grow from that area, it will also make the plant look a lot better.
  9. so is there any solution to this stretching thing other than move lights closer?
    EDIT: thank you for the info §à†Ã¡Ã‘
  10. Plants make oxygen, they don't generally enjoy it.
  11. another quick question..when do i know when it's time to move the plant to a bigger pot?
  12. Sorry, forgot to cover this in my last post at the same time.
    MG is pretty bad when it comes to growing cannabis, its lovely for growing other garden friendly veggies and house plants however. MG lacks or doesnt have entirely a lot of the nutes cannabis needs. You can make up for this by useing propper ferts which i would suggest fox farms for later down the road. You will be just fine to continue the grow, worst case scinaro your plant will die. Ive seen people grow other strains and use MG and have big problems becuase MG is very high in phosphate which isnt a good thing when starting off seedlings in MG. If the plant is growing now with no problems and continues to do so for the next week i wouldnt say you are going to have any problem. Nothing to worry about now, whats done is done, at least you know for next time. :)
  13. ^^^ sounds pretty good lol noob grower here sorry for the dumb questions
  14. Generaly its good to have a gallon of soil space for every foot tall your plant is. Roots grow downward faster then they do out, so since you cant see the rootball through the soil to tell when its getting rootbound my suggestion would be keep checking the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot it is in and when you see the roots at the bottom of the soil or in a lot of cases actually start to come out of the holes it would be time for a bigger pot. You can also usualy tell by how fast the plant drinks water or how long the soil is holding water but this isnt really going to help since you are useing MG which im sure has some type of moisture control with the looks of that perlite in the pictures. Just use the foot for every gallon method.
  15. awesome man thanks a million :)
  16. #16 Jheankhrist, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    the cfl im using is only 13w it says on the bulb.
    i got this one is 150w and the box says it's for growing plants indoors, should i use this one? or the cfl?
    keep in mind is only one plant i'm growing for now
  17. No.:hide:
  18. Use the CFLs. But, you are going to need more than just one. If you go to walmart or something, you can find converters that screw into the light sockets and make one into two or three light sockets. Atleast do that. And if you don't want to move the lights, move the plants?
  19. will another 13w cfl work? or is it that too little?

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