4 chamber percolator home made design (Dairy Queen)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by xdsbx73, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]


    • 2 Powerade/ Gatorade bottles
    • 1 Half pint water bottle
    • 4 Bendable straws
    • 1 spice container/ pill bottle
    • 1 hollow pen (cut in 1/2)
    • 1 hollowed out BBQ lighter tube (picture at bottom of page)
    • 2 stems (for bowls) of your choosing
    • Hot glue gun/ silicone
    • Bottle of glue
    • Electrical tape
    Making your Percolator

    1. Cut/burn one hole about an inch lower than the halfway mark of you first Gatorade/Powerade bottle.
    2. Cut/burn a hole in your spice container/ pill bottle a little above halfway down it.
    3. Attach your hollowed out BBQ lighter tube from the pill bottle hole to the gatorade bottle hole with a hot glue gun or silicone.
    4. Cut a hole in the cap of the Gatorade/ Powerade bottle that you have been working on the size of your hollowed out pen. attach the half of your hollowed out pen to the hole in the cap of the bottle you just cut with a hot glue gun or silicone.
    5. Cut a hole in the bottom of the pint bottle the EXACT size of the hollowed out pen and attach the bottom of the pint bottle the cap of the Gatorade/ Powerade.
    6. Carefully put holes in the top of the pint bottle cap to slide your bendable straws through and seal them in place with your bottle of glue.
    7. Cut the bottom 1 1/2 inches off the second Gatorade/ Powerade bottle and throw that shit out.
    8. Repeat step 4 with the new bottle cap and other half of the hollowed out pen
    9. Cut/ burn two holes in the spice container/ pill bottle opposite of each other (perpendicular to the hole where the hollowed BBQ lighter is attached.)
    10. Attach the two stems/bowls of your choosing in and seal one with your glue gun/ silicone. (the other will not be sealed acting as a carb)
    11. Fill the spice container/ pill bottle about 1/4 of the way with water (make sure the water is below your hole attaching the the base Gatorade/ Powerade bottle)
    12. Fill the base Gatorade/ Powerade bottle with water and ice cubes just above your hollowed BBQ tube making sure it is emerged in water.
    13. Screw on the pint bottle/ cap of the base Gatorade/ Powerade bottle.
    14. Fill the pint bottle about 1/3 of the way. (make sure that your water level in the pint bottle is not higher than that hollowed pen half)
    15. Screw back on the pint bottle cap (with the straws in it) to the pint bottle.
    16. Now slide on your second Gatorade/ Powerade bottle over the pint bottle and a little above halfway down the base Gatorade/ Powerade bottle and attach firmly with electrical tape.
    17. Screw on the cap of your top Gatorade/ Powerade bottle.

    How to hit the Dairy Queen

    1. Light both bowls simultaneously
    2. Suck in through the hollowed out pen half
    3. When your Perc is nice and milky pull out your non sealed stem/bowl
    4. Inhale.

  2. Been done before dude. Good luck though and try not to inhale the burning chemicals (if you do anything wrong, and some times right)


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