4 babies brum .... So gooood recipe

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by tommynoble, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. whaddup niggss im stoned as all hell and me and my friend just came up with this new dish called 4 BABIES BRUM...(sick name ik...)

    box of kraft mac n cheese
    shitload of spices/blends
    shredded cheese
    taco sauce

    1.make the box of mac n cheese normally, except put in salt n spices while the water is boiling w. the pasta in it (i use salt, emerils bayou blend, and mr. magic poultry blend...
    2 when u add the cheese mix to the mac n cheese you also ad more of the spices yuou boiled it in
    3. put in shredded cheese so it melts and gets all gooey
    4. put in as much taco sauce aS YOU want, mix everything up
    VOILA~~~~~~~4 BABIES BRUM!!!!
    serve warm....serves abvout 1 person...maybe less if munchies is severe enough
  2. Sounds like it could use several improvments. And what the hell is taco sauce?
  3. nah man its perfect trust me ima chef...and taco sauce is sauce u put on tacos
  4. ftw.

    but, if i were to change something it would be to make the mac and cheese from scratch. use a can of evaporated milk, some flour, 2 eggs, a buttload of cheese, and some smoked paprika for your cheese sauce.
  5. Poultry seasoning in mac and cheese? That's fucking nasty.
  6. dont judge till you try it...its hands down the best thing ive ever eaten while stoned.

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