Blades, STRIKE 1- There was Climategate: STRIKE 2- Then there was the official retraction from the IPCC Glacier scientists says he knew data had not been verified | Daily Mail Online Turns out those melting glaciers? Yeah, they're not really melting at all. And that was just earlier this week. STRIKE 3- You know all the natural disasters that global warming was causing? The Times & The Sunday Times Er, they don't actually exist at all. Can we finally be honest and admit that there is a pattern of deception here?
yup the pattern of deception is definetely there my man. all this is used as an excuse to tax the world and send the funds directly to the IMF world bank created by the UN. also, look into how al gore owns a large majority of the company that is going to go around and make sure businesses or running clean and he also owns shitloads of "carbon credits" which are already being sold on the market. A good climate researcher who had his own investigation done on climate change was Lord Christopher Monckton. His report entitled "Caught green handed" explains it all. not too mention since many agricultural fields are being mowed down to grow "renewable fuels" the prices of food in 3rd world countries is going to increase rapidly causeing even more people to die of starvation. All of this is madness. just to control the people of the world and tax the hell out of them until they cannot endure anymore. folks when will you wake up? When will you decide enough is enough? Im tired of paying money into the pockets of trillionaires. Lord Christopher Monckton releases the definitive report on ClimateGate