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38 lbs shake/trim...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Ems8831, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. I have stumbled upon 38 pounds or so of some good shake/trim..what do I do with this bubble,dry ice,bho? I was thinking bubble in 32 gallon bags? MY OYHER OPINIONS?
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  2. Yes. Just under that. Was trying to figure out the best way to run either a bunch of runs in a 900 gram open extractor or a few big runs of bubble in a trash can?
  3. Throw it in a fireplace with the vent closed and hotbox a house
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  4. Do you have shake, or do you have trim? I've been smoking since 1968. Shake is what's left in the bag when the buds are used up. Trim is what you trimmed from the plant when harvesting and can be anywhere from useless to sugar, high quality trim. 38 lbs of fan leaf are good for topicals only. Are you in a medical state? Can you donate some of that 38 pounds to a good cause?
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  5. Check that shit for Mold if you found it on the side of the road or something
    Once sealed in the black trash bags moisture forms really quick.
    Where there is moisture you can and mostly will get mold very quickly
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  6. Make edibles with it.
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  7. #8 JSheeze, May 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
    Ice water extraction, then into whatever concentrate you prefer.
  8. There are a lot better/safer ways to do this.....

    C+ for effort, though.
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  9. Thanks, Im trying to reduce the size of material down so that I have a higher concentrated smaller more manageable starting product for concentrates. I understand there's better purging methods (vac), solvents and different techniques of concentrating a material down, but what I am really after is reducing size without losing much good stuff (obviously on a budget) so that i can do whatever i want. BHO, QWISO, QWET, ROSIN, ect. What methods do you think are easier, or "better/safer" in achieving this material reduction, or is that what you were even talking about??
  10. Yes, I'm talking about/to you. Rosin would of been a much safer/better/pure choice.
  11. 100% agree with stiggy as far as checking for mold if you don't know the source or how old the trim is. If it's fresh & not molded you can get some butter and infuse the trim ito the butter in a crockpot and bake urself some Medibles MMMMMMM

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  12. #13 JSheeze, May 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
    Yes I like that concentrate as well
  13. Um, there's not much to making hash, then pressing it. D+ for autism.
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  14. Notice the name of the thread knuckle head? Hes looking for ways to reduce and concentrate 38lbs. Do you have any ideas? no? ok. Shut up then, Im genuinely trying to help and show what works, hoping to instigate other ideas or techniques from others that could help. Yes im glad you understand the basics of water extraction, but i have developed new uses for cheap materials to essentially do the same. You obviously have zero experience dealing with these quantities. Are you going to rosin press 38 lbs? ok see you in a few years... lol is there something about new techniques that give you PMS? lol
  15. Anyone that would blatantly suggest BHO runs should never give any advice to anyone about making concentrates.I'm trying to figure out if you're actually being serious, or you're really that retarded. He's not pressing trim, he would be pressing the hash, from bags. Cutting corners just leads to looking like you are about now.
  16. While I like the Walmart fabric idea...bubble bags are not all that expensive. I got a full set for $23 last year.
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  17. They're definitely not that expensive, at all. Plus, they're a great buy. Pressing hash into rosin gives an amazing final product!

    Lol, BHO. Foh.
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  18. I just did, I just suggested BHO, and Im giving advice. BHO is good. Sorry you only like rosin. How much wax you get in your rosin these days? Oh its a less pure product? That sucks. Bags would take 4x as long as my method. Cost 10x more. Lets see... slower... more expensive... hmmm yep thats exactly what i should do, i mean im retarded like you said hahahaha .... go play in the street now. Your obvi triggered about something earlier go talk to your therapist cause i dont wanna deal with little school girls anymore lol If you have something worth while to say then talk otherwise leave your cranky lil attitude somewhere else.
  19. If you're worried about spending it, you should probably find a better job, for one. Quality over quantity any day of the year. I'm triggered by retardation, I am; you're right. Solvent-less is the only way to go. It's painstakingly obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.
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