Here's a tip that's untested by me. Some growers use a 36 hour dark period at the end of veg before switching to 12/12. The theory is that the dark re-sets the plants internal schedule and it allows you to get active flowering sooner and supposedly with less stretch. It's especially helpful with sativas that are slow to bloom. Perhaps someone has some direct experience with this.
I've read about this a few times too; but never hurts to read a refresher note now and then. Thanks for the tip man.;
hey grassmaker, good too see another scot on here mate The extended dark period helps show the plants sex quicker(as you said) than just putting straight on a 12/12 cycle. some say doing a 36 hour dark period before flicking to a 12/12 will make the plant bud up quicker & increase yield, basically the same as above but improved yields. (my experiences dont back this up) i put them into just 12-24 hours dark before flicking switch to 12/12,but make sure they get 24-48 hours dark before taking them out to trim/harvest...this is the more important dark period. all the best bro
[quote name='motorheed']hey grassmaker, good too see another scot on here mate good to be here m8 [quote name='motorheed']i put them into just 12-24 hours dark before flicking switch to 12/12, i try this 36 hours sounds to long to me [quote name='motorheed']but make sure they get 24-48 hours dark before taking them out to trim/harvest...this is the more important dark period. yeah i know about this one its a good tip i leave the light on for eight hours for 3 days then 24 hours totle dark be for the chop