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36 days into flower, does this look right?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by theBeesFamily, May 1, 2016.

  1. My friend, Clive who lives in a place that cannabis growing is totally legal, is growing a skunk #1 x Hindu Kush the plant is primarily Indica,
    his temps are mid 70's ( 73-78) and his humidity stays about 55%
    he is using a 1000 watt HPS in an air cooled hood, and used 1000 watts of MH for veg, he doesn't remember how long he veg'd for, but...
    he is growing his plant organically in a mix of pearlite, peat moss, and home made compost- (he's a hippie).
    he usually fertilizes with a tea made from his compost but uses the roots organic liquid fertilizer line as well.

    So, this plant is on day 36 of flower, and looks rather small ( he says ) compared to his other grows, but there are a few calyx that are rather large, they are producing female pistols, or the white hairs so i don't beleive clive is concerned with hermaphroditism,

    but clive was wandering if you guys thought that his plant was behind schedule, or trucking along just fine.
    thank you for the input, it is truly appreciated by both me, the un involved law abiding friend, and clive, the medical patient legally growing cannabis. much love IMG_1726.jpg IMG_1727.jpg IMG_1728.jpg IMG_1729.jpg

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  2. looks good to me
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  3. Looks great
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  4. Right on, clive tells me his previous plants had much more density at this point, but he thinks maybe it was because he was growing Sativas, rather than Indica. wonder if that even matters..
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  5. Strain matters a lot when it comes to how they flower and fill out, i've got 4 going and even the three that share 50% the same parentage are all a bit different, the one that's more sativa is very different.
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  6. is the sativa bigger?
  7. It's the same size but the indica doms i have have all stopped stretching and she hasn't so she's pulling ahead slowly now, i started her a week late too so she's a little younger. i'll post ya the difference in flowers if you don't mind me hitting your thread with a couple flower shots.
  8. go for it man!
  9. here's the 9 lb hammer, she's clearly more sativa dominant check out her flowers.[​IMG]
    Here's the bomb seeds, thc, atomic and bubble bombs.[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Hard to see but the 3 bombs are all a little different too, chitty cell phon pics sorry lol. Can't get more green shots till lights out.
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  10. Man those Look awesome
  11. #11 theBeesFamily, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
    Clive says those look great
  12. The atomic has a little heat stress because it's almost hitting the light but other than that they're doing great i think.

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