311 Summer Tour

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by ColorChangnClik, May 9, 2006.

  1. Anyone going to any of the 311 concerts this summer? Im goin to the omaha/council bluffs one on july 30th. theyre touring with pepper and the wailers, should be real nice.
  2. I went to one last summer at the tweeter Center. They were great
  3. i hope and plan on going to the one at Pine Knob in Detroit
  4. hopefully at jones beach 8/19
  5. I'll be at the tweeter center in mansfield mass on August 20th!!

    See them a few times and there isnt many bands that can top them live.
  6. i already got my tix for 8/19 jones beach, im gonna get hella high :smoking:

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