So I'm new to the indoor-growing scene and perhaps my ignorance has gotten the better of me here but what do ya'll think? I've got a $2,000 budget and figured that that the way to go would be with a shit ton of CFLs. That's 9600 watts! Or is there a better way to invest that money into indoor growing?
the larger the cfl the better, i would say grab a bunch of the 125watt cfls on amazon for like 39 buck each, but they last and the buds get pretty damn fat.
Bull crap... MH produces more Lumen and it is cheaper to run it than bunch of CFLs with same amount of lumen...Go with MH . CFLs are mostly for people with very tight budget...If you got 2K you might as well get the best set up.
lol dont buy that many cfls how would u use them ha. ajust buy a mh or something big and powerful. then put 100$ into some seeds from nirvana or attitude. put the rest into other random stuff.
cfl are good. they work. but seriously. if you have more than 100 to spend on your lights... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? buy MH please
You should read everything you can get your hands on for two mos. then decide. A $20 book coud save you effort and money.
how much do you want to yield? how many plants are you growing? how much room do you have? soil or hydro? any plant training? is this a medical grow? 2k for everything? you've got a water source lined up, nutes, what about ph and tds meters? medium? I could chew threw 2k pretty quick if you were starting from nothing. edit: stay away from that many cfl's. you will not be happy.
Hell No. If you got that much money to work with forget CFL`s. The watt to lumen ratio out put (cost to run versus light output) you get more lumens per watt of electricity used for MH/HPS light set up. The 600 watt digital ballasts have the best watt per lumen ratio. Now he would be right if his comparrison was using like a magnetic ballast which are not nearly as efficient as the newer digital ballasts. If you shop around you can put together a nice little grow set up but dont be in a hurry and do your homework so you dont waste money on little shit, when it comes to buying grow equipment you`d be suprised how fast you can blow 2K and not have everything you need.
Well $2000 will not be enough to get set up for 25 bulbs.... I am sorry but you either an idiot or just fu-king around with people..... I rest my case....