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3 year T break

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Hanal-ways, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. Hey guys so as the title states I haven’t smoked in 3 years but I’d like to start again to help me unwind for the day and get a better nights rest. However I do have some concerns and questions.

    Ill try to keep this short…

    So about 3.5 years ago I had to take a break for a solid 2-3 months for professional reasons, I was a daily heavy smoker for about 10 years. I could handle a personal blunt of pretty good stuff to myself and some of the fattest dabs, 3 months goes by and I decide to fire up again. I load a nice little tiny snapper of some sativa dominant hybrid into my bong and I completely lose my mind, I can hardly think straight my heart is pounding, I’m sweating and pacing around the house! Not like me at all. So after doing that 6-9 times I decide “well I guess I just can’t handle weed anymore” so I call it quits get rid of all my stuff and haven’t touched it since…..

    fast forward 3 years and I have moderate anxiety, trouble winding down after work and sleeping well etc. I’m thinking I should pick it back up slowly and gradually. Currently I’m smoking CBD hemp flower and it’s nice but just not the same.

    is there any advice you guys could share on getting myself back into smoking flower in the evening? Should I start off with a glass pipe and mix a little THC indica stuff into my cbd flower or go with very small amounts of just thc flower?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Stay away from sativa dominant strains.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Mixed in some gelato punch with my CBD (early blossom) at about a 3:1 ratio and have had quite a nice experience :weed:

    feels nice to be able to really relax
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Glad you found something that works. I think any of your ideas are workable- "Should I start off with a glass pipe and mix a little THC indica stuff into my cbd flower or go with very small amounts of just thc flower?" Either is a very good idea.
  5. I "heard" that cbd counteracts the thc in non cbd cannabis??? So pick 1 or the other? I'd experiment some more with Indicas in your shoes.

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