3 weeks from harvest and got mildew every where

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by vwgolfs, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I have posted this a couple of times but not really got the help i wanted (no disrespect to people who replied) my plant is about 3 weeks away from harvest but has mildew on it and it is starting to get on the buds, what can i do to either slow it down or get rid of it, i have been told to remove any leaves that have it on which i have but the next day it has spread to diffrent leaves. Idon't want to kill the plant as it;s cost me a fortune on my first grow, can any body tell me what to treat her with? :confused:

  2. pretty sure thats mold bro, are you using any fans?

    Spraying with bicarbonate of soda, organic horticultural oils, and sulfur can kill powdery mildew, sorry don't know any other options. try googling it.

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