3 week water fast

Discussion in 'General' started by Renkluaf, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. This is one thing I was curious about, if i smoke weed on a fast will it actually make me starve more? (munchies? placebo effect?)

    People do it all over the world.

  2. so where does the 3 weeks figure come from?

  3. thats exactly what im going to do, if i wanted to keep that weight off clearly i would have to change my diet. which is what i plan to do

  4. yes, people who are USED TO FASTING and use it as part of their lives. they don't live a gluttonous life and then immediately starve themselves for three weeks. and maybe some of that stuff subsides, but don't be surprised if three weeks later you go right back to having the same issues you already had.

    all i can say is id keep a phone and 911 handy, and be prepared to pay for a nice hospital visit if you really think youre just going to starve yourself for three weeks

  5. Ghandi fasted for 3 weeks. Fasts usually go anywhere between 3 and 30 days though.
  6. alrite man. i hope you dont hurt yourself.

  7. ghandi didnt live normally and then one day starve himself for three weeks. that takes a lot of time, training, time for your body to adjust to fasting periods, etc.

    some people can run a mile in 6 mins, but that doesn't mean everyone can
  8. wut hes supposed to be doing for 3 weeks is a live juice fast. THAT is beneficial and that will keep you going.

    Fasting programs worldwide specifically say DO NOT drink water alone. LOL

  9. I do exercise a lot and I don't have the diet of an american. (throwing out that for the canadian comment earlier) :)

    The point of the fast is not to lose weight, read my previous post, those lists are what made me say yes. The losing weight is just a side effect that will also help me, especially if i can maintain a diet and keep exercising after the fast.

  10. look man, based on your posts so far, you are going to cause yourself damage if you go for 3 weeks only drinking water. you should reconsider.

    that is all im saying now, since you seem to be ready to dive in head first, with very little information or research, to serious potential health risks

  11. juice fasting and water fasting are 2 different things. :wave:

  12. @Ganja I caught the American joke, lol. I'm a New Yorker, and I love American jokes...we deserve all the shit we can get for being such a fat, stupid nation. I love being American and hate it simultaneously.:cool:

    @Inner Peace and Dumped 43
    Good advice, on both your parts. Realistically, though, if he's prepared and done his research, he'll be fine, and if he hasn't he'll realize it into the fast and change his mind anyway. I really like the juice idea. That definitely keeps the spirit. Dumped, you bring some needed realism into the forum. Props! I also appreciate that most of the criticism is aimed in the right direction (which is concern for his health, not over destroying the idea).

    As a weed community, we should always be realistic and safe when it comes to health issues and hopeful and faithful when it comes to beliefs and dreams.
    I love you all.
    Omg, I am. So High.:smoke::hello:
  13. You're going to gain a fuckload of weight once you begin eating normally again, just sayin'.

  14. why did you post the exact same thing twice?

    and as you can see above, juice fasting and water fasting are two different things :wave:
  15. good luck:)
    lets say i want to loose some fat, what if i only drink jamba juice for 2 weeks?

    this is a serious question.
  16. your body will cling to your existing fat in a desperate act of starvation.
  17. that sounds unhealthy...i'm sure you'd rather eat healthy than not eat at all...

    plus i'm pretty sure your body will eat your muscle if you don't eat...
  18. you guys are all ignorant about fasting. its annoying how people think if u dont eat for a certain amount of time your gonna die or something bad will happen. This is how people heal.

  19. juice is better because juices have essential vitamins and nutrients and such. water has very very little. but at the same time you arent quite starving yourself or fasting to the same degree as if u just had water
  20. Dude I would do a week of water, or 2 weeks of juice. and losing weight should NOT be part of this. I'm sorry to say this whole thing will most likely make you gain weight. Do some research that's just the way the body works... if you ate consistently a tiny amount all day for 3 weeks you'd have a better chance of losing weight.....

    Chances are you'll be losing a good amount of muscle
    Also if you have health problems.. well I guess that's obvious

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