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3 week old babies with yellowing bottom leaves and necrosis

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by BIGDEALZ, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. I haven't give them any nutes yet. The soil that they are in is designed for medical marijuana. I took it and added about 1/3 perlite and used it to make my seed starter mix. The soil itself is somewhat fine. I grinded it up and then mixed in the perlite after.
    I'm trying to let the moisture dry out before watering them so that I don't drown the roots. Maybe I need to let them almost go cmpletely dry? I don't know. I did treat them for black flies 2 weeks ago. I've seen 2 or three black flies in the past few days so they're due for another treatment. Aside from this what is going on with the yellowing and necrosis? What typically causes this in young healthy plants?

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  2. Judging by the size and how long you have had them in there i would repot them into a fresh new pot with that soil and only fresh water. Throw a little Gypsum, and humic acid in the water before application to give a nice calcium/mineral boost to the Organic mix to help lube the hinges a bit and aid in new microbial development and unlock you mix a bit. You look a little tied up is all, other than that, new growth looks green brotha :) stay positive they want to grow for ya
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  3. Letting them get to about 15%-20% water in the pot will help them pop out of the cup easier too, i never like to transplant a fully saturated container :)
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  4. Thank you for the encouragement and great advice! I don't have any humic acid on hand. Would worm casting tea be a good substitute? Also how much gypsum per gallon should I add for watering?
  5. Worm casting tea would be great :) and i normally do TBS per gallon of water when i water in the gypsum. Those EWC's will have some Humic/fulvic acid naturally occurring in them already so even better in my opinion :) always glad to help
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  6. Also it never hurts to put some minerals(gypsum) in a compost tea, you could cover all your bases then. What were you making your tea out of?
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  7. Thanks! I'll add the gypsum to the tea now while is brewing.
    I'm using worm castings from my worm farm. I got the recipe from youtube, unsulphured molasses, a large scoop of castings and an air bubbler in a 5 gallon bucket of water.
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  8. Spot on Brotha man, thats the best recipe i have heard in awhile hahaha, thank you for keeping it simple and you WILL see the benefits from having your own worm bin very soon. If you start feeding your Wrigglers the gypsum/rock phos/azomite dust..things like that, your EWC molasses tea will pretty much be the only "nutrient" you need the entire grow if you take care of your soil mate :) your already ahead of most of the growers here by choosing to keep it simple and All Natural. Stay away from the synthetic bottles and the Microbial life will do all the work for you my friend. if you have any free time to learn this lady breaks it down very well and is my idol in Organic "no,till" gardening. You can apply all of what she is talking about to any plant you farm :)
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  9. So I found out that the plants had a serious nitrogen deficiency. They were yellowing from the bottom up and it started on the big leaves first. They got very droopy and didnt even look green anymore. I added some fertilizer and they perked up in the first 12 hours. Now I'm just waiting for the green to come back. It's been about a week since I first added fertilizer. I added more today. Any idea how long it could take to recover from a nitrogen deficiency? On the upside, I have small cutout windows in the styrofoam cups and the roots are white and look super healthy. Hopefully I'll see them start to recover quicker...
  10. sounds like your on top of it :) lot better to under shoot the nutrients then over shoot. All the new top growth should look good and the old stuff will take some time to recover but the new growth is what i would be observing now :) thanks for the update brotha, just give it 2 weeks and maybe do an under pruning to promote more healthy top growth.

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