3 successfully passed drug tests 3 methods

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Luckygreengoddess2, May 10, 2019.

  1. #1 Luckygreengoddess2, May 10, 2019
    Last edited: May 10, 2019
    Hi everyone. Drug tests are so stressful for even occasional users and I spent a lot of time on these forums looking for helpful advice. I thought I would give back. I’m a daily user who has never failed a drug test. I’ve taken 3 in the past 2 years (all pre-employment lol, unsupervised, 10 panel ) and here is how I passed each one:

    Skip to the end for the best advice

    May 2017- Sub-solution. Mixed and held under breast in super padded sports bra. Only needed a bit of heating solution. Did not look completely real- no flecks but passed without issue. Sub solution is great because there is a temp strip on the bottle. Practice with plain water and the bottle! Squirting is important to create bubbles!

    August 2018- natural detox. The less stressful way to go. I’m 5’7”, 160 lb, athletic female. I only took 2 weeks off (but had taken 2 weeks off and then seriously chiefed for 2 weeks right before.) Worked out everyday of break for lipolysis- getting the fat cells to shed THC metabolites except the last two days in which I sat around and ate to turn off the process and take the metabolites out of bloodstream. Stay hydrated for optimal metabolism but no need to flush in the days before the test. Testing instructions warned not to drink 4 hours before but drank tons and pissed a lot that morning. Then 2 hours before test (take as late as possible- for me 1600): took vitamin b (for color), 16oz of water and 12 oz dark pop (diuretic and raises specific gravity, creatine is also good to take if you have it to mask dilution but I did not use it- I was not that diluted though!) Passed again.

    May 2019- substituted urine. I collected a sample from a wonderful friend the night before and stored it in the fridge. Warmed it in its original container in a bowel of hot water and put it in a clean travel squirt container and... put it in my vag. The night before I had experimented with different amounts of waiting times effect on temp while inside me. Not fun- it lost some temperature (about 1 degree every half hour) but not a lot. I had it at 99 degrees when it went in. It was uncomfortable but not painful ha ha. Passed again!!

    Usually the temp range your sample is required to be is 90-100- that’s the most important part if you want to sub.
    If you have a professional license and live in a legal state consider detoxing- getting caught cheating could stay on your license while a positive test just means losing a job opportunity. I think this is why I will not sub again.
    The techs are not really trying to bust you. It’s more work for them and unpleasant to confront people. I’m sure there are blowhards but try to not worry too much. If you act like everything is fine chances are they will too.
    Practice- pay attention to sounds. Anything will sound magnified x 10 in their bathroom.
    I found using a synthetic urine to be the most stressful as I would have no explanation if the values were off, with fresh substituted piss you just have to know/trust your donor and keep it at temp.

    In my opinion, it is no ones business what I do after work. I really do not feel guilty subverting an unjust system. However cleaning out is never a bad idea- think of it as a T break and enjoy an awesome high when you get your results!!

    Good luck and thanks for reading!
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  2. Good to know. Thanks for posting!
  3. I might trust this info if it were delivered by a known member.
  4. If your urine is positive for THC it is then spun down to see the Ng count. if it's below 15Ng then it's a negative test. If it's not then you're positive for THC. Now used synthetic urine is now being tested and in some states a misdemeanor. I have been a non-smoker since Dec 14-22 and took a lab test on 1/28/22. It is now 2/3/22 should i be clean? The labs arent back yet should i be concerned

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