3 strains...3 reservoir?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by glaxxy, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. White Widow, Cali-O, and Kalichakra.

    So, will they be happier with separate res, or are they ok with equal nutes?
  2. some strains are. some aren't... Some thrive together, some kill the others. I had hashplant with deisel one time and the hashplants died.. But then I'm had strains thrive together.. It just depends on them.. Instead of trial and erroring to find out I would suggest different res's. It's not really about whether they all want the same amount of nutes, it's about their reaction to what the other plants are taking from the nutes, perhaps at a higher rate so they end up not getting the same amount in the end, although they are getting the same nute water... You'd probly do better to have different res's for them...

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