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3 min extract

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ElectricJW, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Found this, it looks pretty good, but she did use an O.

    [ame=]YouTube - Miss Bliss on Tinctures[/ame]

    She looks pretty good too, for a....u know.

  2. Umm what do you do , like after you extract it, do you infuse it with butter then bake it?
  3. with tinctures you can put it into drinks, put it in to a sauce or dressing, or even into a batter, or any other food. technically you can just drop it on top of whatever you're eating.

    if you want to make like pastas or meat with a sauce you can do that.
    or any drink.

    just look up how much to put into something. it's really strong unless heavily diluted
  4. but wouldn't the alcohol evaporate or some shit if you cook with it?
  5. someone correct me if i am wrong , yes cooking evaporates alcohol but i think by then it has already done it's job and extracted the THC so it doesn't really matter

  6. the thc and the alcohol aren't chemically bonded so the alochol would evaporate leaving the thc behind if you were to cook with it. like when you make iso hash you let the alchohol evaporate leaving the hash.
  7. if anyone tries this let us know if it works! this would be awesome, especially since im in college right now with no oven to make a good tincture

  8. yeah that's right. the point of the alcohol is that cannabinoids will dissolve in it. once you make it it can be used how you like.

    but once again, you saw how little tincture she got out of that jar or POWDER. use a dropper when you use it cos it's strong as shit

    oh and remember if you cook too hot it'll still fuck with the cannabinoids so cook at the same temp as you would as with cannabutter
  9. somebody try this yet??
  10. Thanks this looks good im a little confused though, we have different terminology in my country what kind of alcohol is that? 150% proof? I don't think alcohol that strong is allowed in my country... 150% is that even possible lol. Also wont you get drunk if you use this in a drink or something?
  11. i felt like i was in school and it was an educational video ... her voice started to piss me off.
  12. yea im pretty in experienced with alcohol but 151 proof is 2x the percen of alcohol so the drink she was using was about 75% alocohol
  13. When it comes to alcohol, the term "proof" will be two times more than what is given as the "percent of alcohol'. So something that is 40% alcohol will also be 80 proof. Something that is 190 proof is 95% alcohol.

    I remember before when reading about doing an Iso extraction, it was recommended that you only let the bud sit in the solvent for a short period of time, like 30secs to a few mins, where you would shake and stir it constantly. Its pretty much the same as this, except instead of evaporating the isoproply alcohol off, you can just simple drink it.
  14. whats the point of it? to get drunk and high at the same time? or kind of like an edible i dont quite get it.
  15. i have never used them but it sounds kinda like an edible

  16. well the point is to use very little cos the concentration of cannabinoids is really strong. so the amount of alcohol you consume is not even noticeable.

    like a few drops will do it.
    if that gets you drunk you must be like a foot tall
  17. Thanks for clearing that up guys :D Is it a particular alcohol... Vodka etc or is it like rubbing alcohol... I don't think ive ever seen anything that strong in my country. :eek:
  18. you can use vodka or anything really. in the cookbook I have it says you can use brandy or schnapps even

    really just whatever is a high proof, doesn't matter how cheap cos the taste is gonna be drowned out by some dank bud:smoke:
  19. Brandy or Schnapps require a much longer "incubation" period. Use the highest proof or percentage alcohol that you can find. I use everclear.

    Also a note on cooking. Do not cook with this extraction. Cannabis tends to vaporize at a low heating level, so this method is much better suited to add after cooking, or perhaps added in to a low heated sauce.

    I use the tincture sublingually, or in a beverage.

  20. yeah I figured that would be a problem

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