3 leaf plant?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SKp4nda420, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. hey guys i was just curious to see if my plant would turn into a 5-7 leaf plant or have 3 leafs for the rest of its life, please help :)

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  2. Are you serious? You need to read man. Or your a troll.
  3. What kinda plant is that?
  4. its not weed. looks like tomatoe
  5. No matter what it is, shoulda used more soil in the solo cup. Hell, the soil looks like shit anyway. Op, where did you get the seed?
  6. it's only my 2nd time growing so im not a complete expert...
    the soil looks like that cuz i just watered it and it didnt seem like a pot plant at first cuz it didnt look as clover-y as my first one but it sure grows like the 1st one.

    i got the seed when i picked up an eighth a month back @theiceman447
  7. Then, as I suspected, it's deformed. Should grow out of it. Cut the solo cup down to just a bit above the soil so it wont stretch. Indoor or outdoor, location, planned method of growing. Details man. We want em. Start a journal.
  8. aight, thx for the help and whatnot
  9. I have a girl who has a similar condition, except im not sure it was genetic. When she sprouted she lost one of her cotyledon when it stuck to the inside of the seed and fell off. She was stunted for a week or so after that, making due with just the one. Finally she got her first leaf set, but instead of two mirrored leaf sets, there were three, like a triangle. Ever since then she has been growing in a triangle and looks healthy as all getout. Her branching seems to be more vigorous as well. In hindsight I wish I had topped her and see if she would get 6 new growths, but she is flowering now and Im not sure that would be prudent. Anyways, kinda pointless story I guess. Just thought you should know there are other oddballs out there I spose! Cheers and keep us posted! Id like to see her grow up!

    P.S. Now knowing this story, if I were to clone from her, would her clone grow in the same triple fashion? Im curious, but for some reason my head is telling me that she would probably grow normally since it was environmental deformity and not genetic, but with the hormones and me not being an expert, im not sure.

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