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3 hours of sleep or none at all?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kushqt, May 28, 2011.

  1. I have work at 9am and its currently 5am. I could go smoke/enjoy my plants or sleep a few hours and potentially miss my alarm. Best route?
  2. Also its only 4 hours of work and I can sleep after :D
  3. your alarm some times fails to wake you up?
  4. I would wake up shut it off and throw it... all while not remembering.

    I would take a couple naps here, do not dress too comfortably or plan on sleeping for a while, just a nap for an hour, chill for thirty, nap for an hour, get ready, smoke, make a good breakfast, work for a few hours, smoke, sleep.
  5. Same as me Killer lol.

    I have to dress in a nice shirt, tie, and dress pants so it isn't that comfortable plus the dress shoes.

    I like the steps you laid out also Killer. Except replace nap with video games and that's what I'm going to do. Rofl.
  6. wouldnt smoking make you more tired? either way ur in shitty position 4hrs is a long time to stay awake and then have to start work id take those 4hrs of sleep definitely
  7. I always think it'll be a good idea not bothering with 3 or 4 hours of sleep but always end up regretting it at 9 or 10 when I can barely keep my eyes open doing some of the most dull work imaginable...
  8. i wouldnt bother
  9. I always feels like shit if I sleep for only a short amount of time.I'd stay up and spread out my smoking for the next few hours. A decent amount before work because if I smoke enough I can't sleep until I come down.
  10. Ya I have about 2.5 hours left before work starts so I'm def going to just stay up and sleep after. Time to practice lsting one of my young plants. :smoke:
  11. Im in the same situation! I am drunk as fuck and have to wake up in 4 hours. I think I have a better chance of making it to work if I just stay up through the morning then sleeping.

    LMK how it goes haha.
  12. I slept from 1am to 9am on last night and went to work for 4 hrs then came home passed out til 7pm. I love weekend. No work.
    I'm still up blazin
  13. i can never stay up after only have like 3 hours of sleep .. plus i take like 1 hour to fall asleep ... busy mind
  14. Sleep is for nerds and squares....
  15. It's all good in the hood. Made a great bfast after toking on a bowl of Nova. LSTing one of my bushy No Name plants was sweet. Now at work with a full pot of cofee. It's going to be a great morning :smoke:
  16. Don't sleep. Some nice sativa should help you before you go to work, then when you get home, you'll probably crash and fall asleep with no problem.
  17. I went through like 3 months where i was going to bed late and everytime my alarm went off, i wouldnt wake up while sleeping and turn it off then wake up an hour late or something lol. Was really annoying getting ready in 10 minutes, basically running the whole time lol

    I ended up moving my alarm across the room, and making it so it blasted the band "Aborted" or some other brutal death metal really loud so i had to wake up and turn it off lol.
  18. @Jumbo Haha nice.

    I am definitly feeling the effects of sleep depriv after my slight high wore off.

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