my friend wants to try weed but his gf will only let him if i cant give her 3 good reasons why he should try it. any suggestions?
1. it gets you high 2. it gets you stoned 3. itll make your doodoos twinkle (no not really but it will get you stoned )
Well I don't know what your friend's personality is like or what he'll be like when he's high and I don't know why his girlfriend has that much say in what he does butttttt you could say something that would benefit her like he'll last longer in bed, he'll be more affectionate, some bullshit like that.
1) helps you find yourself. 2) freedom from everything. 3) helps you loosen up and enjoy life! 4) tell that bitch to quit actin!. hahah
Cause it feels nice. It's like asking someone for 3 good reasons why he's outside in hot weather. Cause the warmth of the sun feels good on my skin, and weed-smoke in my lungs feels good in my brain.
1. *Insert all information found on Granny's List.* 2. Your friend is his own person and consents to trying it. 3. Girlfriend shouldn't using her influence to hold your friend back from doing what he wants and should dump her if she doesn't know how to be open minded and accepting.
Set your friend in front of a computer. Click that first link in my sig. If he can't find 3 GOOD reasons, to use cannabis in my List, he can't read! GF might be interested in these- might get her toking! LOL Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma (full - 2006) Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer through Cdc2 Regulation (full - 2006) ÃŽâ€9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer Cells through Cdc2 Regulation Cannabis compound stops spread of breast cancer: researchers (news - 2007) Cannabis compound stops spread of breast cancer: researchers - Health - CBC News Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's (news - 2006) [FONT="]Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's[/FONT] Marijuana Ingredients Slow Invasion by Cervical and Lung Cancer Cells (news - 2007) [FONT="]Pot Slows Cancer in Test Tube[/FONT] Marijuana/Cannabis may protect against osteoporosis (news - 2009) Marijuana/Cannabis may protect against osteoporosis Pregnant Women Smoking Pot Could Reduce Infant Mortality (news - 2010) [FONT="] Pregnant Women Smoking Pot Could Reduce Infant Mortality[/FONT] Now go show him the List! Granny
Dudes, educating the GF is the best way, And she might start toking for her health's sake once she has the facts! Win-win! I bet most of you would love to have a "stoner girlfriend". He should have the opportunity to "create" one by educating the one he has! And getting her stoned might mellow her out a bit! lol As for the psychodynamics of their relationship, I think that is their business as long as both are happy! Granny
okay three real reasons its a virtually harmless recreational activity it can open ones mind to a multitude of perspectives and he will last longer in bed