3 foot bong

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by cheebalover420, Apr 7, 2004.


how can i fix it?

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  1. hey whats up every one. ok this is gonna make me sound stupid but ive already heard it from every one. i sent my 3 foot bong all glass in the mail and the bottom broke! i was wondering if anyone knows how to maybe fix it or get it blown or some shit. um i dont have a pic of it but the bottom is round like if that helps thanks
  2. Was it shipped to you from a store? did you pay the extra amount for insurance on your shipping? Was it smoked out of before?

    Thats really a shame with a 3 foot glass bong. I had a two footer that I loved, it broke one day though.
  3. auh man that blows 3 foot glass is quality and should be valued i sure hope u did pay for the insurrieance cause that would be a bummer if u didnt cause well i guess then ur just sol..... hope ya the best :D
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