2x4 closet Veg Room with 2 Maxisun PB2000

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Joque, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. I’ve had these Maxisun PB2000 for almost 4 years now. They were my main lights but now used to Veg and start all my seedlings. I have them dimmed to 50% because they were stressing the plants a little [​IMG]

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  2. plants look great. Dont change a thing even if one of your lights is partially burnt out.
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  3. #3 nachoboomer, Dec 12, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
    Just spit ballin here if UR looking for ideas??? Line the walls, floor, with reflective material & 3/4 length curtain (so it vents heat above & below) & get away with less light/heat. Really keep an eye on the temp & over lighting in a small space IMO, get the plants off the floor, drainable rubber floor mats :thumbsup:, a saucer with lava rocks for the pots???, bigger fans & at least 1 below the light, keep the plants moving. I'm having better results with juvenile plants with my smallest light, then going big later, only use 1 light to start & go up as tolerated? They indeed look healthy now. :Love-Plant:
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  4. I’ll give that a try. I’ll see what I can find at Home Depot or Amazon

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  5. They have the rubber mats, the reflective wall covering was diamond something or other from amazon & a staple gun. How's the air/ventilation in there? I have a similar closet & that's what I do, BUT I move them to a larger area to finish. Good luck & keep us updated.
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