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2x Blackberry Kush 2' 6"

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by washedmothafuka, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. So my friend picked me up a bunch of plants with two of them being surprisingly tall and already grown a lot (~2.5 ft). I could obviously tell that these two plants were the "Mothers" of all the clones that they make at the club.
    I was wondering if mothers will grow less/inferior bud because of all the cuttings and random stubs all over the plant. They are both a bit wilted, but one is seeming to come back a little bit. I'm do my best to keep them alive but any advice with this would help. Thanks.

    *I am not sure how to make them any bigger, you can click on them and that will make them bigger. If you can tell me how to make them bigger directly on here that would be great.

    Here they are:

    This one is doing good but not great:

    Blackberry Kush #1.jpg

    Blackberry Kush #1.5.jpg

    This is the one i am concerned about, not sure what to do:

    Blackberry Kush #2.jpg
  2. it looks seriously underwatered damn water it my man
  3. I agree water them real good
    were they indoor plants??
    if so they probably need to get over the move to the outside
    if you live in usa like me then you have plenty of time for them to get bigger
    good luck hope it works out for you :D
  4. #4 washedmothafuka, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    Yeah I was thinking that it needed water, but I heard that the most common way to kill a plant is overwater it.
    I got there today and it looked much much worse, so I put in some fresh soil and perlite that i bought. I also bought some Fox Farm nutrients "Grow Big, Big Bloom, & Tiger Bloom" I put about a teaspoon of Grow Big (boost of Nitrogen) in a gallon container and poored about 1/4 of the gallon onto the plant. I also transplanted my smaller clones into the new soil but unfortunatly they have a few problems as well.

    Edit: Yes, i do live in US, Northern California specifically.

    *Click on pictures to make them bigger
    *Any tips would help

    Blackberry Kush #2 gotten worse:

    Blackberry Kush #2 (Day 3).jpg

    One of my Purple Urkle's leaves:

    Purple Urkle Disease (Day 3).jpg

    The "unknown" strain leaves:

    'Unknown'  Disease (Day 3).jpg
  5. when using fox farm grow big or tiger bloom use only a 1/4 tsp per gallon and gadually work your way should be using seaweed extract with the water you give it,that will promote healthy growth and a healthy root system, and try only using fox farm big bloom as it is all organic and the other two are only organic based with some chemicals...

    and they could be in major shock and should be in partial shade so they can they start to look better gradually put them into full sun...this has worked for me in the past...
    dont use too much grow big or tiger bloom because it will burn your plants...use the big bloom through all stages of growth...
    hope this info helps.

    peace out
  6. Yeah thanks that does help a lot.
    This is only there 3rd day out in the sun, they were grown inside before this. So i suppose it is just the shock from inside to out?

    Should i dump out the other 3/4 gallon of water because it is too strong? I use about 1/3 of the volume of the cap of the Fox Farm Bottle.
  7. dump it out and fill it up with water and about 2 table spoons of big bloom...big bloom will help it get back on track...seaweed extract will also be very beneficial i highly recogmend you get some,it;s about $15 a bottle...try to shade the plant with some other kind of plant,like tomato plants or something like that...
  8. Thought in the message before you said before only 1/4-1/2 your saying 2 tablespoons...??
  9. Grow Big: start with a 1/4 tsp per gal. and work ur way up to 1 tsp per gal...
    Big Bloom:start with 1-2 tbl per gal and work ur way up to 4 or more per gal...
    Tiger Bloom:start with 1 tsp per gal and work ur way up to 2 or 3 tsp per gal...

    In ur case since ur plants are in need of some love I would only give it the Big Bloom formula...
    the Grow Big wont be good for it until the plant starts to show some improvement...
    You can also foliar feed it with big bloom by getting a spray bottle and doing a very light mixture to give the plants a jumpstart in recovery...seaweed extract is very important for recovery and root growth.. and neem oil to keep little pests of ur plants...

    hope this helps you... message my if you have any other questions..

  10. Yeah, the move from indoor to out is what caused the shock but the BIG bloom should help out. Also are you pHing your water so that they can even absorb the food??? It looks like the "disease" is really a deficiency in phosporus, however, that could be a form of fungus. Since you are outdoors i would check for spider mites EVERYDAY and the VIGORness of the new growths. NEVER NEVER be shy on water.

  11. You really should check FOXFARM website for information on all natural ingredients as well as FEEDING SCHEDULE. WHY did you plant them straight in the ground outside????? no wonder they look so bad. Or did you use a grow bag?

  12. sorry for all the replies and shit. you need WAY MORE than one gallon of water for those plants. Assuming they are at least in three gallons but since they are so big they should bei n five. which in that case you would need two to three gallons of water.

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