2x 125w 3000k fluorescent lights. 2 plants

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by drkroniik, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. #1 drkroniik, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    I'm going to be growing 2 super lemon haze plants,in the coca fiber stuff. And I was just wondering the my lights would be sufficient enough for them. Also can someone recommend a good ph meter for this. Thanks
  2. For flower? veg? both? How many plants?
    Theoretically yes, 250 actual watts can be good up to 4 plants max. (pushing it)
    Figure 100w first plants, 50 for every other one.
    Would need more info to go more in detail as to what you're trying to do.
    What flouro's? T5? They generate almost no heat and you can keep em an inch from your plants.
  3. gotta have a budget...
    Bluelab Truncheon Meters
    get a truncheon... if you have the money

    maybe not from there.. but thats the best you can get

    you need two types of light.....

    2700K and 5700K... bare minimum of 150Watts per plant..... 2700k for flower and 5700k for veg

    or listen to the guy before me
  4. I'm just stating the square foot rule. Either works though.
    ... I use a 400w MH for 5 plants in veg xD
  5. #5 drkroniik, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2010
    I havent even started them yet, trying to order seeds right now. Going to be growing 2 plants at a time. The lights are FLC125W-125 WATT Compact Fluorescent Bulb Warm - 3000K. But I have 2 of them. Would this be better?: http://cgi.ebay.com/T5-FLORO-2-ft-t...149?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c13bf670d
  6. Bulb Type(s): TWO 6500K GROW Spectrum

    your link is to a veg type of light
  7. SO then I should get those lights instead?
  8. Once again

    2700K and 5700K... bare minimum of 150Watts per plant..... 2700k for flower and 5700k for veg

    so if you get the light in your link your gonna have to get two more bulbs. Both 2700K

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