2nd trip planning

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ChicagoBud, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Tommarow me and my buddy are both gunna take 2 hits of Acid. heres what i sorta planned out for the day.

    I get out of school at 1, so hes gunna pick me up and we're gunna take both each. at 1pm.

    then hes gunna drive home and drop his car off and we'll walk to my house.

    once at my house we have till about 5 or 5:30 till any1 else comes home. so we're gunna trip at my house for that time, but we will probly walk over to this big park a couple blocks away from my house and chill there for awhile.

    that about all i have planned, we dont know where we're goin after that but just gunna see where the trip takes us:p.

    does that sound like a good enough plan to u guys? any suggestions for what to do.
  2. Fuck plans, let the psychs take you wherever and just roll with it.
    Sounds good though,
  3. When tripping, plans go to shit :p.
    All I suggest is bring bud, and water/beer to the park. Maybe a few glowsticks, or a flashlight. They are fun to play with when trippin'.

    And don't run into your parents, get out of the house well before they arrive home.
    Most importantly, have a blast !!!
  4. i might not have bud till later on in the trip... but thats ok with me

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