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2nd round of Brain surgery......

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TragclyHipCheck, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 TragclyHipCheck, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Figured this is the best place for this....

    Back in 2002 I was helping a buddy crop his outdoor grow and got eaten alive by mosquito's. 9 days later I almost died,I went into a 15 day coma and the virus left a scar on my brain. Ya I got West Nile.

    Wound up with uncontrolled epilepsy. Pills help most of the time but I have had a seizure's while on them (my body metabolises them fairly quickly). But not when I have smoked grass in conjunction. I am going to be hitting my family doc and neuro up with the prospect of MMJ after this fresh round of surgery. However I have good friends who help me on the very cheap and have been self medicating since ( I have smoked for over 20 yrs now so is it really self medicating? LOL)

    So on to my Question etc.

    On my first round of Surgery in 2009 the pain was HORRIBLE. They gave me liquid morphine, pill morphine, Oxy's contin and codone and Percs. None of those could control the breakthrough pain. When I got home 5 days after the surgery I went straight to my stash and rolled up a fatty and blazed and guess what? The breakthrough pain was GONE.

    (I hate pharmacuticles of all forms and only take the ones that I need to ie.anti-seizures)

    So how long would anyone here wait until they puff after released from the hospital after such a surgery?

    Experiences? Opinions? I'm open to all.

    Peace Blades
  2. Hey man thats horrible, but I hope you are doing fine now. Personally I would say wait a day or 2 so you can recover from the actual surgery,but I have no idea how much pain you are in. You know your body best and nobody else can tell you what to do man. Follow your gut, you can also ask the doctor or surgeon. Good luck with the surgery:D
  3. havnt been in surgery during my high life yet.
    but long ago i was put throughsome mental pains if this counts
    sent to a mental hospital, had drugs shoved down my throat
    and stupid psycho bullshit.
    as soon as i got out
    i stopped taking the meds..even after they put me n the highest dose, shit sucked man
    i quit feeling like asshole
    i packed a bowl
    i was ready to roll.
  4. I don't mean to scare you man, but Scar tissue on your brain causes your Personality to change... My father was in a horrible Car accident in 82'. Only person who survived it out of four people. He was unscathed, except his head was killing him, he passed out, died, brought him back to life, fell into a coma for 6 months, family pulled the plug, he came to life. Later down the road his personality started changing, etc, and yeah, IDK if yours is as severe as his, but you should definitely ask about the effects your scar tissue will have on your personality.
  5. #5 dirtydingusus, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    i have intractable epilepsy...
    no amount of meds can stop it....

    i have the same issue as you with the metabolizing seizure meds.....

    i had a complete right temporal lobotomy will be 2yrs in may...

    i smoked on the way home from the hospital.....
    and went on a 10,000 mile road trip 2 or 3 days after surgery....

    and shingled a house 2 weeks after .....

    i personally didnt have any pain.....

    but the whole right side of my face felt fucked up for awhile!

    brushing my teeth felt weird as hell!
    and putting a q-tip in the ear next to the surgery....that shit felt seriously fucked up!!!!!!

    but even after surgery and all the meds....i still have "small" partial seizures all the time......;):smoke:

    best of luck to you....

    feel free to ask anything about surgery....or epilepsy or what ever...i have alot of knowledge on the subject....

    ps......fucking hate pharmaceuticals.....

  6. Post Operative pain section from the new "Granny's List"-

    Cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonist activity in the hindpaw incision model of postoperative pain. (abst - 2005)
    Cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonist activity in the h... [Eur J Pharmacol. 2005] - PubMed result

    A multicenter dose-escalation study of the analgesic and adverse effects of an oral cannabis extract (Cannador) for postoperative pain management. (full - 2006)
    A Multicenter Dose-escalation Study of the Analgesic and Adv... : Anesthesiology

    Analgesic and adverse effects of an oral cannabis extract (Cannador) for postoperative pain (abst - 2006)
    Clinical Studies and Case Reports

    Cannabis effective at relieving pain after major surgery (news - 2006)
    Cannabis effective at relieving pain after major surgery

    Cannador: Drug from cannabis plant-extract to reduce surgery pain (news - 2006)
    Cannador: Drug From Cannabis Plant-extract To Reduce Surgery Pain - Ecofriend

    Spinal cannabinoid receptor type 2 activation reduces hypersensitivity and spinal cord glial activation after paw incision. (full - 2007)
    Spinal Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 Activation Reduces Hypers... : Anesthesiology

    Evidence for a Role of Endocannabinoids, Astrocytes and p38 Phosphorylation in the Resolution of Postoperative Pain (full - 2010)
    Evidence for a Role of Endocannabinoids, Astrocytes and p38 Phosphorylation in the Resolution of Postoperative Pain

    Compound boosts marijuana-like chemical in the body to relieve pain at injury site (news - 2010)
    Compound boosts marijuana-like chemical in the body to relieve pain at injury site

    There's a big section on epilepsy, too! (Click the first link in my sig) One of the first "medical users I knew was Joey, who found he could reduce his meds and remain seizure-free when he had cannabis.

    I haven't had major surgery, but I was toking on the way home (hubby driving, of course) after a dental extraction a few years back. The pain pills that they give you, give me painful stomach cramps. :(

    Best of luck, hon!

    Granny :wave:
  7. Thanks for the well wishes


    There was a noticable change after the surgery I kind of became withdrawn from many people I have known my whole life. I still talk to them here and there but things did change a bit.

  8. Cheers, I read everything over seems we have a bit in common when it comes to this, intractable, metabolising meds, this will be the final "piece of the right temporal removed for me.

    Your post was inspiring and helpful

  9. Thanks Granny/Strom Crow

    The links you provided are helpful and I will be printing and presenting them to my doc when I take the forms in for him to sign for my MMJ app.

    Peace to you too!

  10. I hate to post hog but since its my own thread :wave:

    Just to fill ya all in I got a call yesterday and they rescheduled my surgery for late next month!

    All that mental prep, stocking up on my green and hash and now I have another month to go. Good thing I can get the grren and black anytime I want.

    Peace All
  11. Good luck dude
  12. didnt know west nile was in north america:eek:
  13. west nile is govt created virus.
  14. Honestly you should probably get cannabinoids into your system as soon as possible. And that's incredible how you defeated the breakthrough pain just by smoking cannabis. Imagine how much you could help yourself by ingesting large quantities of cannabis extract over a three-month period!
  15. Yeah, smoke that shit as fast as you can.
  16. As was HIV/AIDS.
  17. what do you expect, they put formaldehyde, aluminum and thiomersal (mercury) in the vaccines.

    sources: i asked a nurse for the ingredients in the vaccine.
  18. I've had 5 major abdominal surgeries for endometriosis in the last 7 years. This last round of surgeries (2 within 6 months), I began reacting to one of the pain meds that I was given which resulted in my inability to sleep for 2 straight days and break through pain on percocet which was an alternative to what I was reacting to. I finally tried smoking, and I was absolutely shocked that my pain was gone, I was able to finally sleep and it was the best I had felt in days. The best part was that I could control my level of medicating and was more alert and less gorked out. I was 4 days post surgery when I started smoking, and at one point I started freaking out because I thought I was going to cough. I think that is probably the worst possible thing that could have happened, so I switched to edibles. Not as exact a doseage, but it certainly worked! If I ever (ok, NEVER) have surgery again, this is my go to medicine. Screw pharmies!!!
  19. Hey just wanted to say sorry about your situation. That really sucks and you'll eventually get through it. BUT i'm here to suggest tincture (aka green dragon). If you want to use marijuana for medical use, i can't stress this enough, but tincture is the way to go. It's just like an edible except it's much less time consuming to make and it can be stored for long periods of time. Also the high lasts for 5-12 hours. You can use trim or bud (i like to use dank trim). Here's a link [ame=]YouTube - unleash the dragon[/ame] . He does a great job explaining this but what i do is at the very end, when you have the final product, i put it back in the water bath and evaporate the alcohol until its around 1 oz of liquid. Maybe even less. Because ultimately you want one drop of tincture to get you high :), two drops to get baked:ey:, and three drops to get your really really really high:hippie:. I can't stress the enough, tincture will work great for you for all day relief. Please let me know how this works out. Good luck!!!!!!

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