2nd outdoor grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by cpstoner420, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. last year i had 3 plants and they were some flame budz only problem i had trobule gettin them big. last year was pretty much experimental through so w/e. but this year i wanna harvest alot. so i have 116 dank seed the 16 are from my last year plants i have a spot for. but the other 100 i have options on were to put dont know the best spot im only worried about sercuity! i cnt be caught here in IN so you think i should put all 100 in a spot which is possible or do spots of 10. waterin is not a problem either i can use system or haul.
    i just need some advice on where the best spot to put them is. and how to make a plant prouce the most budz possible. i know about toppin and i plan on doing it to all of them maybe lst on my specail 16idk just need some help
  2. ive also done countless hours of reading including the indoor/outdoor grow bible. and thats all so complicated i jst want an easy method to big fat budz. i plan on using molases too this year i did not last
  3. thats a big operation for only your 2nd grow
  4. #4 clodhopper, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    High cpstoner

    magestik63 is very right. Thats a big operation for a single grower thats been growing 20 years!

    Ive been growing a long time, and it my view that a single grower cant grow more than about 50 plants under normal guerilla conditions. I grow 40, and its not unusual for me to have to abandon some of them if rain stops and watering is required. Of the 40, ive probably averaged harvesting 25 per year over the past 10 years. 25 well grown plants can yield 25-35lbs of smoke if the strain is right.

    Ive found over time its much better to focus on yield from a lower number of well grown, good yielding plants than it is to try and grow a lot more plants - that i cant tend anyway.

    Plus, I dont know any grower anywhere, that can still grow 100 plants in one spot. You could see a 100 plant grow from the space shuttle!! IMHO, 10 max, 5 is better. Some of my sites are a single big plant that might produce 1000 grams. HGF's Armegeddon is one great big bitch all by herself!

    Thats just me..... good luck with your effort.
  5. well the seeds arent feminized so ima loose some there. and this year im doing it with a friend who doesnt even smoke weed who ive known for awhile so there be 2 ppl. either way im going to put in 5-7 spots im still going to start with actually 116 in pot in sunlight all day till transplant. ill keep gs updated on how it goes and sure to run into problems
  6. well best of luck to you. ill be reading
  7. be ready to pull up a shitload of males!!! and be ready to spend hours and hours watering over the summer!

    but if i remember i might check back to this thread to see how much you harvested.

    oh yeah, and i would maybe split your number in half and plant 1 half in one area, and another half in another spot.

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