25w 6400k or 20w 6500k CFL?

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by maxolahird, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. which one should I use for better results? I don't know if 100k make any difference.
  2. it doesnt is the simple answer... kelvin ratings are an indicator of the average light color. The spectral distribution may show you which is better, but that number alone cant... 6500k and 6400k are identical for all intents and purposes. just get the higher wattage.
  3. [quote name='"zippy657"']it doesnt is the simple answer... kelvin ratings are an indicator of the average light color. The spectral distribution may show you which is better, but that number alone cant... 6500k and 6400k are identical for all intents and purposes. just get the higher wattage.[/quote]

    Sure thanks
  4. i have 5x 23 w 27 k and 6000k mix and also a 17 w led for 3 flowerin in the 17th day females is that okay??

    Attached Files:

  5. they look awesome to me but more light should make them grow faster and better yield

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