hello fellow canna-heads. decided to get a journal up to get this stuff documented, as i'm unlikely to remember anything... done a few small grows under fluro lights, but have now upgraded to a 250mh/sodium in a cooltube so i'm hoping for stocky compact buds than opposed to the airbuds ive been used to. i'm on day 29 now, growing in compost, and they have been grown from seed. 1 northern lights from sensi and 1 white russian from serious. both showed sex last week, now its just a matter of tieing this dirty minxs down and letting them go for it.
juust a few pictures along the way...not 56k friendly! wr nl suffering for some kind of leaf spot fungus. will be adding trichoderma to the compost soon to deal with the outbreak
hello people. day 40 since sprouting today. sprayed trichoderma & a bacterial innoculant on the 2 remaining plants and it seems to have halted the leaf spot that was eating away my plants. generally very happy with it. had to brew the concoction like a witch or something, took about 12hrs and it was very frothy. repotted the nl and wr in 11l pots early this week, and used sieved compost with which i added some rootgrow and some granules i have that contain mycorriza. should hopefully see improved rootage with this stuff. will be adding rockdust to the compost for next grow. gonna be taking cuttings soon and putting em in this stealth cab, just about silent