250w ballast 400w bulb HPS

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ulrich100, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I have a 250w HPS ballast, i put in a 400w HPS.. It seems to stay a deep deeo orange. Going to try it in flower.

  2. If I'm understanding this correctly, you have a 400w bulb attached to a 250w ballast?
  3. If this is what you are saying, your bulb will burn out very quickly, surprised it hasn't already.
  4. If im understanding right you are gonna start a motha fuckin fire! Its overpowering that bulb and with it putting a lot of strain on your ballast which will quickly overheat it and burn it out, and with it your house. Dont ya wonder why someone would pay more for a 400 watt ballast if you could use a 400 watt bulb in a 250 watt ballast?!?! They make em bigger for a reason. Best of luck with that plan, or lack of plan.
  5. Actually it's underpowering the bulb. Either way it's not a good arrangement, match bulbs and ballasts.
  6. Yes I mean underpowering...but either way thats fuckin stupid.
  7. You are only asking for trouble. Get the proper bulb before you damage your equipment or worse...like start a fire.
  8. Right got ya. I replace it with the 250w. Going to go salvage a 400w ballast.
  9. Salvage? Like from a junkyard or 20,000 leagues under the sea? Why not just buy a nice reliable magnetic ballast for like $40?
  10. Why spend $40 when i can pick one up that will work perfectly well for $10 and get it in my hand there and then.

    There replacing a lot of street lights in my area and i know the scrap yard that is doing the recyclying. Loads of perfectly working ballasts.

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