Hi,I've looked up this topic in the forums but couldnt find any thing bout it.I want to use a 250 watt hps light set up for my next grow.Which gives the best results,using 2 bulbs,1 for the vegging,blue spectrum,1 for flowering,red spectrum,I think or a single dual spectrum hps bulb?What are the advantages of a dimable ballast? Cheers
is your ballast switchable between MH and HPS? If so then you should definetly use mh for vege and hps for flowering If your ballast is just a HPS then i would suggest using the orange (mixed spec) for vege and early flowering and then the red bulb (conventional HPS bulb) from mid flower to harvest. Some digital ballasts can shorten the life of your HID bulb. I've never owned a dimable ballast but the advantages are plain and simple - when your plants are small you can use less power and have the plants closer to lamp, then as the plants become larger - you can begin to increase your wattage.
NC,thanks,I'm quite new to this.Would it be best if I got a mh for veg and a hps for flower rahter that a dual spectrum hps?
Yep absolutely - MH is the best for vege - preferably you'd run some MH and HPS for flower aswell - plants love a broad/mixed spectrum.
I have a dual spectrum 300 watt from last grow,was going to use it for first 3 weeks,then switch to MH for rest of veg then hps for the rest.
I use Mh for Vege and HPS+MH for flower - check me out [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdYfqLJbmL8]LGS.AVI - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdLQVLcFgUQ]LGS2.AVI - YouTube[/ame]
NC fair play to ya thats some set up,how long have you been breeding/growing.I've only 1 grow under me belt so I've loads to learn. I germinated my first seeds on 21st April last year and harvested mid October.I grew in a soil mix using a 300 watt cfl dual spectrum.I'm in the UK ,my grow wardrobe,19"x32"x5',is in the garage attached to the house.I looking at maybe trying to get 2 grows in by starting earlier and finishing later but given the UKs weather I worried about low temps by doing this. You mentioned a heated porpagating chamber,is that using a heat pad,could this let me start earlier? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.Thanks.