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25$ eighth pickup-kush-

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by motorkylexy, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. picked this up yesterday at my dealers house for 25$ it was gunna be 30 but she gave me a discount because she was feeling nice that day. Im just going to step outside and smoke an j with my brother pce out blades!:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. I could be wrong but i don't think that looks like an eighth. Either way $25 is pretty cheap though.
  3. thats mabye a gram
  4. Yea you can see the joint in the background. Which looks about the same length as that nug. Which is in the foreground so the joint is actually alot closer in size to the nug than it appears. That being said. No way in shit is that an 8th
  5. Perhaps he didn't picture all of the nugs, and only chose to picture one?

    Nice grab OP enjoy your smoke. :smoking:
  6. More like an overpriced underweighed gram
  7. Awful pics, how the fuck could we see the quality, OP?

    And why does everyone assume the OP is posting their whole bag? I don't post a quarter pound every time I get new weed.
  8. Touche.... lol. I guess it was just his wording and the price made it seem like that was the extent of the stash.
  9. Dark Knight Kush... I get it....

    Edit: No, but seriously- either take a couple extra seconds to get a picture in light with detail we can see, or /thread.
  10. Damn I have to pay twice that for an eighth.
  11. chill guys that was just a nug from the bag.
  12. cheaper nug lower quality as i can see, musta cost her ten
  13. are you from quebec
  14. That's a nice shadow. As for the bud, I can't fuckin see it
  15. looks like a 20 sack, nd my eyeball is pretty on point
  16. Why the fuck is weed so cheap for other people!? Lol I saw some dude picked up an O for $9 wtf he was in Canada but still... Damn
  17. Dear god, why is everyone first assumption that it isn't an 8th? Clearly his camera if fucked and I'm pretty sure it looks like the same little nug multiple times. Put 2 and 2 together and assume it isn't all in the picture if you're going to assume anything.

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