23 Minutes in Hell

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by stillblazin1, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. So, a while back, probly when I was about 7-8, I had a dream about being in hell. And it went exactly as how the guy who wrote the book 23 Minutes in Hell described it. He says its an out of body experience, to me it was just a very vivid dream I just happen to remember as if I dreamed it yesterday. It started off by me being in a cell basically that looked like a jail cell, with nothing in it. I was standing up and saw two "demons" approach the bars. One came in while the other just stood outside with the door open. They were red, I can't remember exactly what they looked like, I just know I was terrified.
    So anyways the one that was in the cell basically grabbed me and threw me up against the wall. I looked down and I could see four threads of my skin just dangling there. They took me out of the cell and I saw rows upon rows of these jail cells along the walls. There were endless pits of fire that were I'd say about a football field long and wide? Just estimating. I had a vision there were different levels of Hell. Hard to describe, it was just a feeling that I knew.
    Anyways so these demons threw me into a pit of fire and I have no idea how to describe it. Can't say I've been on fire, but the pain was horrible, even though it was like I couldn't feel it. Basicaly it was just, literally the worst. And the devil was just sitting on his throne thing in the middle of this pit of fire I was in, laughing at the agony of all these people that were with me on/in fire.
    After this I was almost floated up to a hole in the cieling (It was just blackness, yet was a cieling, idk). And bodies were just pouring down through it. I climbed up this hole even though all these bodies were falling on top of me.
    I got up to the top and it was just, white. And Jesus was there, on his knees, crying. Bodies were like flopping around all going towards this hole. I asked him why he was crying and he said something about how he hates how all these people were going to hell. I know I asked him something, and he answered back after this, but for the life of me i cant fuckin remember. Then that was just the end of that dream.
    What pisses me off so much is I emailed this dude who had like almost THE EXACT SAME DREAM. And of course he gets alot of emails, but i explained how i had the same dream/out of body experience and idk i just wanted info on this. He's an expert who wrote a book about it, right? Well all I got in the email was something along the lines of Hey, thanks for reading our book and we hope you stay connected to our email newsletter thing or some bs like that. Like really? Thats all you can say when someone had the same dream? cmon man. Idk some people just don't even care. Ugh, just pisses me off man.
    So, has anyone else had this dream? Cuz it just doesn't seem possible for only 2 people in the world to have it. If so, then damn i had sum good odds lol.
  2. I don't remember many of my childhood dreams. I have never forgotten the ending of one dream I had. Just the very end. This dark figure was reaching towards me and I was scared and right before it touched me I jolted awake and my dad was right next to me reaching his hand towards me in the same spot. Instant sense of relief. I can't wrap my mind around the reality of the dream meshing with the real world like that.

    And about the email thing...meh...brush it off. He should not have such a thing set up. It sounds like he just is in some way overwhelmed by his success. I don't blame him, not that I have had such success, it just seems that most successful people that are in the public's eye get overwhelmed.
  3. i once had a similar dream wen i was young, i dont remeber it much i remember being in a underground cave with stairs carved out of rock and cliffs everywhere, with wat seemed to be never ending drops.. i remember seein fire and maybe some figures not sure though it was so long ago and im always having dreams
  4. These thoughts were planted by, you know what, religion.

  5. ya possibly, but in my case i think it was jus a movie i watched.. it was an awsome dream i remember bein scared but i wasnt shittin myself...i love havin those horrorfying dreams
  6. I agree entirely. The mind is a pretty damn powerful thing. For instance, have you ever had a dream that someone else had the same night? Or dreams that eventually happen in real life. It's as if dreams can tell the future, thus making it so our mind can? Idk.
    But regarding to the guy that posted about how he woke up from a dream: I once had one where me n some friends were escaping a place where a clown was chasing us. I remember how i was the last one to go on the zipline thing to escape and I saw the clown shoes under the door that was in there. I was scared shitless. Aand then I woke up lol.

  7. Had the same thing happen to me as a child. Dreamt that I was in my room and some crazy monster/werewolf looking thing came in and I fell off my bed, and it was reaching down to get me and I wokeup screaming and my Dad was reaching down to pick me up. I actually did fall off my bed and not wakeup until a bit later too. Shit was scary as hell lol

  8. This is not surprising... i've had an experience that i can only call a "religious experience" a while ago and i found this dude that was talking about a lot of the same things i felt and was percieving... so, i emailed him to strike up a conversation to maybe come to a better understanding... the dude's agent comes on and says "we're pleased you have had this experience. if you would like to speak with XXXXX about it, we will need a credit card and it will cost $400/hour."

    at which point i made the realization that although he may have had a similar/same experience as myself, he's lost it by trying to monetize on it... it's why i fully believe that actual spirituality should never, EVER have money added into it as the love of money is the root of all evil and when you begin to trade your gifts for money, the money quickly becomes the master of you.
  9. Interesting fiction.
  10. Sure. :wave:

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