I made a small 11" roller out of a paper towel roll just because I had to dispose of it while we were out of a new roll. I tossed it down stairs and later made it into a steam roller. I went out and came home and found a 30" roll but had to cut about 8 inches off so I could reach it with one hand. Well I could have put it up against a wall. Anyways, I now have two steam rollers (one with an ash catcher, the other with two different bowls but not at once). The latter could become a party piece and i could make another hole and have two bowl The smaller one was easier to get a hit from, less drag. More milk to it. And holy shit it hit me hard. For probably the past two months or so I have been smoking a few bowls a night of ground weed and picked weed both with keif every now and then, and I recently broke the poor bastard. So I made a bottle bong x3 lol. and now I have two rollers Plus two glass pipes (one 12" Gandalf) and many wooden pipes I have made I also make a lung every now and then If I wanna get bakkked. It's also known as a parachute, bottle and bread bag lol. Here are my new tools ______________________________________________________ (older bottle bong. Not even a week old though). 1/3 (this one here^^. I broke the bong, and the clear percolator on the left eh. Really shitty, the bag is my keif I'm collecting, I now have double or triple that. The white is the long Gandalf, the clear is the other glass pipe. Two bowls the blue I dropped on concrete and its scratchless, and then my ash catcher =D I love that lil green thing Thats one pipe I have made, gotta clean the side with a chisle cause the sander can't get in there and hand sanding would take a while lol Well there is pretty much my collection actually.