Hi Grass City!! This is the first thread I will be starting I am a beginner grow who resides in the hot state of Texas not that many people I know grow outdoors in Texas because of its strict laws against cannabis.. But I will give it a shot I would love to get advice from many and who ever can help a beginner grower out
These are the plants I will be growing the strains are unknown most likely kush they have been growing for 4 weeks so far
@[member="tplat"] they are in pots but once they get bigger I will soon transplant to ground and im trying to post pictures but I cant find that option
Welp these have been planted for 4 weeks but the small one to the far left was buried to deep and the growth was slow so its maybe 1 and a half weeks behind the others
@[member="tplat"] thanks man only things I see so far is browning and yellowing on the leaves of two plants idk if its a nitrogen deficiency or what
Hey guys been awhile since I been on here and a lot of things have happened since...SO I had 7 plants all together now only 4 because 3 of em turned out to be males so I will soon get rid of those...but I need help on transplanting my ladies into the ground these plants should be huge when October/November hits so how big would the holes have to be in depth and width? Also will I have to go get more soil or can I just used the soil in the ground which is very clayie which would hold water more I believe....I guess this might turn out to be a sort of guirella grow....Please help thank you guys!!
They look like they are going to get huge. I think I would transplant them to larger pots before July comes around.
Clay will retain too much water. Dig a 3 foot hole and backfill with compost. Sent from my ADR6410LVW using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They are in a spot where they get a good amount of sunlight and shade especially for the hot weather in texas how much water do you guys think i will have tk give them for this soon to come 90-100 degree weather in july and how often should i water