Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by lotuis, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. i forget exactly how i came up with this but i once figured out a few important dates

    2007: a big war will break out, possibly the 3rd world war

    2020: when i was nine i asked a ouija board when the world would end but then again i was playing with someone that was trying to shit me. i don't believe in that game anyways

    2040: end of the world. i completely forgot how i came up with this but i was smart enough to write it down. i figured it out while high and reading nostradamus stuff. weird shit.

    john hogue (i think that's his name) said in a recent documentary on the discovery channel that there would be a world changing event in 2004.
  2. Yeah ive been reading alot into the whole 2012 mayan thing. Something how on the 21 of dec 2012 the world will go through a dimension change. Theres so much information and different sources its hard to look at it all. Im a believer though! :)

  3. thats the one im going with,
    *happy thougts, happy thoughts....
  4. Maybe 2012 isn't actually the year... maybe it the 24 hour clock, telling us that 20:12 (12 minutes past eight) is the best time to light up a joint. Seems about right to me, ...... You've just got home from work, had your dinner, a couple of drinks and have settled into the first part of the re-runs of Buffy on UPN.... then you light up.

    Could be wrong though.

  5. not to bust your bubble....but studyed it with what ?

    telescopes in ancent myan empires?i dont know abouit that one myself....

    but even if they had some way to study the system.....how could they have picked up on something that far out and see that we would be in a posison to be struck?

    i mean we are no where nere where we were when this shit was writen down ...and anything in the sky at the time would be in all new spots as well....i mean you are talking about a sereous calculation here....not something a guy sitting out under his tree could come up with .....real advanced math ...a little mor etrickie than bouilding a pyramid....
  6. dam dirty you always go bursting bubbles. :D
  7. i cant help it

    it is a natular thing for me to try and see thru all the shit that comes my way

    i do it in an atempt to sort out the bullshit from what i am willing to believe....

  8. thanks

    your not from the future are you?


  9. ha... we can say now that...told, told us.... :D

    and for the end of the world....who cares...we're all going down togeather....we should at least have a huge party....
  10. Nostradamus ended his prophesies in something like 3497 AD which some believe to mean the end of the world. But really who can trust the french anyway???

  11. it has looked like we have been on the edge of loseing our asses for along time....

    i think ....we could go at any time.....

    lol...i been living like it is the end all along?

    is there another way?

  12. ;):smoke:


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