Welcome to everyone who reads this. I've began my first ever outdoor crop. Where I am its been in the 70's and 80's for awhile now. In my plot, I made 2 beds that are big enough to hold 12 plants each. I filled them up with a mixture of some organic soil, and some bone meal. I've also put up a garden fence around the area to protect from wildlife. I'll be posting some pictures in about a week or so, where their a little bit bigger than they are now. I planted them just a week ago, so their just getting the hang of it in their spot now. Tell me what you think, and any extra tips on outdoors would be appreciated.
im curious... if its in the 80's now, assuming your plants survive, what will be the temp during july/august. also, based on your location, are you planning on putting them in flower now? i ask as im getting only 12 hrs of day (sunrise to set), with the days slowly growing longer. im no expert, but curious to see how yours come out.
The will deff start to flower out there in less you are in the southern hemisphere or something. I put mine out about a month ago an schould get a nice early season harvest in about 6 weeks
Their getting plenty enough of sun to not make them flower. Yesterday when I went to visit the patch, and put a couple more babies in their, I saw a bunch of ants in one bed, and I saw 4 of the plants with little holes and bite marks on them from the ants. So I sprayed organacide everywhere. You think thats enough to get rid of them?
[quote name='"Smokey28"']Their getting plenty enough of sun to not make them flower. Yesterday when I went to visit the patch, and put a couple more babies in their, I saw a bunch of ants in one bed, and I saw 4 of the plants with little holes and bite marks on them from the ants. So I sprayed organacide everywhere. You think thats enough to get rid of them?[/quote] There is only 12 hours of sun per day right now which will make a mature plant flower, or a clone. But seedlings should be fine as long as you don't get any frosts. Hopefully you have more seeds if you lose these plants?
This batch was all seed, but I got a few clones to replace them with if they dont go well. Have any of you used organacide before?
Don't! There's a stickied thread saying not too! I'm not sure it applies to you if you have your location setting things off tho, anyone know if that matters?
[quote name='"Smokey28"']Alright thanks, i'll be putting the pictures up tomorrow[/quote] Alright, just email the pictures to uself, go on ur comp, then right click it and convert it to PNG/Gif to clear all the tracking
Ok, so I took a pictures of a few of them. I just turned my location setting off, so I hope that works!!
And another thing, i've been having a little ant problem, but I sprayed organcide on all of em, a few days I came back and no ants, and then today I come back again and theirs a few ants. They attacked the plant a little, and I used the last little bit of organacide I had. What do you think I should do? You think the organacide will work, cause before it was a lot worse, and now theirs only a few.
I decided to put some black and red pepper around them. I heard it keeps the ants away, and its natural so thats a plus.