200TH POST WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Ok, here is my 2 outdoor babies, i know they are small, but our first frosts usually hold off till about mid november here in the tennessee valley so im hoping to pull off a small mature yield before winter.....WISH ME LUCK! SAME strain as my indoor single plant CFL grow in my SIGNATURE first one..this is the smaller one. been outside for 3 days now, doing fine, still growing, NO TRANSPLANT SHOCK WHATSOEVER because i transplanted at night when the soil was cool and i started it in soil from the grow area outside This one has been outside for 5 days, since it was 4 days old, NO transplant shock either, used the same method as the first...night transplant, started seed in same soil it would be moved to....this one is a little bigger than the first...no bug problems...the leaf on the left was torn by me...its hard to transplant at night xD IF i get at least ONE female i am expecting a yield of NO MORE than a half o of some slightly immature DANK!
thanks...im expecting just enough time to sex, then flower to maturity and have a small harvest before winter frosts arrive
Topped em yesterday...may nt have been a good idea, both seem to have stopped growing over the past 36 hours
[quote name='"FecalFingers"'] I've topped on both grows, and ended up regretting it. Live and learn.[/quote] Why would you regret it? Almost every strain reacts well to topping.
[quote name='"lalaman33333"']Topped em yesterday...may nt have been a good idea, both seem to have stopped growing over the past 36 hours[/quote] It didn't stop growth. It's just redirecting its growth and isn't as visible right now. Soon it should start branching out.
growth bounced back...2 new tops atarting where topping occured and now the internodal tops are starting threat averted xD
that good theyre growing again, i always top my plants at least once then i lst a little to make it fill out,, you should get a little harvest off of what u have,,its always better than nothing,right?
yea im hoping so, here in east tennessee our first frost usually isnt untill the second or so week of november, so they SHOULD have enough time to bud out fully, but ATM it is ALL relying on the weather holding out till november, which is a long shot but i SHOULD be able to harvest something at least im not planning on LST though as im wanting them to mature as quick as possible after the topping and cant risk slowing them down any more, I might next year but where they are located even if they got 8 feet tall no one is going to see them from ANY direction, they are growing in a HOLE through a thickety of Briars i weedeated down to the ground, so chances are even if they got tall enough for someone to see them, no one in their right mind is going to make the trek to get to them lol, the NON-thorny path is covered by overgrowth so the half assed phony path through the briars seems like the only option...YAY FOR TENNESSEE BRIARS!!!!! the best defense/booby trap possible for an outdoor grow IMHO...the ONLY easy access is from a small break in the briars on the side facing our back porch, where there is a webcam constantly recording from 9 pm to 9 am the enternace to the patch, NO ONE in there right mind would come in from any other direction xD, only 2 people know about this patch...my brother and best friend, and its just a contingiency plan for if they disappear, i WILL know who it was....neither of them know the enterance is WEBCAM monitored xD and heres to hoping my Indoor baby all by its lonesom shows sex as female
Sorry ive been neglecting updates, ill try to get new pics up as soon as the rain stops (assuming it isnt dark already)
video update uploading from my phone as we speak, quite the improvement over the last 5 days pic updates soon as the vid upload finishes
Here they both are in all their glory, the one on the left appears to be the SAME phenotype as my indoor grow, but the one on the right appears to be a SLIGHTLY more sativa dominant phenotype, ALL THREE seeds came from the EXACT same nugget, they are both RIGHT AT 1 foot tall (30 centimeters) the only reason i planted them so close together is because i am expecting to have to pull at least one up if it is male....if the second one goes male im letting it grow all the way to maturity and makin some QWISO!!!!!!!!! since it would be too late in the year to start more by then Here is the more indica Pheno, this one produced only ONE top after topping which is pissing me off, because all it accomplished was slowing it down for 36 hours, the video, when it finishes uploading shows the single top in much more detail (you can actually see it) i have checked...i didnt fimm it by accident...it is one top and here is the SLIGHTLY more sativa pheno....both these pics are 5 DAYS older than the last pics, and this plant is a day older but the indica-leaning pheno caught up with it over the past 48 hours. The topping on this one was succesful i LOVE how much a strain can vary just between different phenotypes....quite interest peaking for me actually
VIDEO UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!! filmed with my Droid It is STILL raining like a bitch, took a risk with my phone out there but it paid off xD THEY ARE DROOPING CAUSE IT HAS RAINED ALL DAY, other than that and the inch worms they are doing GREAT [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb-i-xcjKLU[/ame] any ideas what i can do to SAFELY get rid of the inch worms WITHOUT hurting growth rate? And it is very strange how the inch worms seem to prefer the more sativa phenotype, the one on the left only has 2 small holes, it is virtually UNTOUCHED. Yet the other one is becoming dinner (still growing fast enough to make up for the bugs, but im sure it WILL become a problem DURING flowering when all the supple buds are on the menu :/ i have started the outdoors on 1/4 dosages of MG flowering formula every 4-5 days, first feeding was yesterday. The indoor is going 100% organic thanks to they great soil mix and worm dirt and epsom salt and i have decided i NEED to keep these genetics, but the true test will be how the buds do
the non bug damaged plant has most DEFINATELY passed up the damaged one in growth, i fully expected this as the inch worms seem to be slowing the other plant down just a little
Damn inch worms. I hope they are gone for good. Good Luck Lala Your plants are looking better every day.
unfortunately they are not, i made a ring of salt and another of epsom salt at 8 and 10 inches from the plants respectively, and yet pulled another 8 or 9 inch worms off today, the more indica one is still doing great, but the other is still struggling with the little assholes, if they would just agree to lay off till harvest i would let them take a good bud or 2, but alas reasoning with inch worms would make me look crazy xD
good news, i was able to turn the fucked up topping into a FIM, now i got 3 new tops forming at the top of the indica Dom. Pheno and i solved the inch worm issue, just made sure there was NO inch worms around the plants, then i dug a 4 inch deep, 6 inch wide moat in a circle around the plants, lined it with a trashbag and filled it with water, ill be adding more water every day and NO crawling bugs should be able to make it to my plants without drowning, since there is NO vegetation directly above the plants in question its so simple, i cant belive i dint think of it already xD
i am prepared to make a guess on sex, even though there is no way to know for sure based on the fact the one on the right is growing a little slower, it is MOR EAGER to barnch out with internodal growth, and the bugs like it more, i am going to guess the one on the RIGHT is going to be my female out of the 2 of course im still going to wait till sex shows for sure before i cull, but i am curious to see if my experience is helping me any xD