[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc-55p1Al9k&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - FULL MOVIE - 2012 The Online Movie FINAL UPDATE -- (2010)[/ame] Watch and discuss. Arguing won't fly here blades. Talk respectfully to each other even if you disagree. If it gets out of hand I'm shutting the thread down cause I'm trying to keep the peace here on GC Enjoy the movie! - peace, joy, love, and light
About an hour in. It's good shit. If you're curious or skeptical at all about the situation with 2012, then this is a must watch. Remember blades, opinion is irrelevant when you're not informed enough to have one.
I guess this guy hasn't realized that the fact time goes faster as you get older occurs to everyone throughout all time. Ask a 10 year old how fast the days go by compared to an adult. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but that seems to be all this dude is talking about so far. Along with the symbolism of swastikas. I'm guessing the climax of this video is all of a sudden in a flash everyone will be enlightened come 122112, and the laws of evolution will cease to affect us all of a sudden? Is that what this is gonna tell me after 2 hours? I'd like to save my time if that's all it's going to tell me. Instead of these people sittin on their ass waiting for the great day of change, they should put in some work, and they'll get a lot further in the -2 years until then, and will be thriving humans among beasts regardless of this failed hypothesis. Everyone wants to jump right into chakras and astral projection and all that cool stuff, so it's like saying "I WANNA BUILD AN AIRPLANE!!" without ever having picked up a wrench, and then over and over their planes "crash" and they have to fix it over and over again, and eventually they say "airplanes can't be made to fly at all, it's impossible, i've been duped" whereas the man who learned to use wrenches, and then basic electronics and engines and physics, and so on, will have perfected his "airplane' years and years before the former even gets his planes engine to kick over.
i know what you mean , all that cool shit sucks you in til you realize you gotta work for it then you realize the work is some of the most enjoyable things you can do in all existance haha
Nah it's not like that at all. I know what you mean though. This movie happens to be a little more focused on the 2012 and the shift. Everyone has a different interpretation. Some think it will hit us like a ton of bricks on 12/21/12...others think it's happening now and we need to build up to it. I like to hear it all and then filter it all out based on a number of things. I especially listen to my intuition and feelings about certain things...if it rings as pure truth, then I tend to pay a little more attention to that. My guides help out some too...I love them to death. - peace, joy, love, and light
I have a prediction for the near future that will most likely come true! there are going to be a lot more of these 2012 threads OP, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but new age is considered another religion
I don't care what others think and I could care even less about labels. It's all the same - peace, joy, love, and light
As I mentioned in a thread on the same vid', Dannion Brinkley (the man doing most of the talking) is a total fraud. He's made tens of predictions that haven't come true - despite them allegedly being shown to him by the 'Ascended Beings' whilst he was dead Con man... MelT
Just for the record, I've been clinically dead 4 times where I had to be resuscitated Follow me to the Land of OZ!!!!
He is such a con artist he's actually quite enthralling to watch. This is a watered-down version of just some of his predictions, I've missed out those he made in retrospect 15 years later! remember that all of the below was meant to have already happened by the year 2004 at the latest. "...Boxes ten and \t\t\t\televen came in rapid succession. They revealed scenes of the \t\t\t\teconomic collapse of the world. In general terms, these visions \t\t\t\tshowed a world in horrible turmoil by the turn of the century, \t\t\t\tone that resulted in a new world order that was truly one of \t\t\t\tfeudalism and strife. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"In one of these visions, people lined up to take money out of \t\t\t\tbanks. In another, the banks were closed by the government. The \t\t\t\tvoice that accompanied the vision told me that this would take \t\t\t\tplace in the nineties and would be the beginning of an economic \t\t\t\tstrife that would lead to the bankruptcy of America by the year \t\t\t\t2000. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"But the end of America as a world power came as visions of two \t\t\t\thorrendous earthquakes in which buildings were swaying and \t\t\t\ttoppling over like a child's wooden blocks. I knew that these \t\t\t\tquakes happened sometime before the end of the century, but I \t\t\t\tcouldn't tell where they took place. I do remember seeing a \t\t\t\tlarge body of water that was probably a river. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"The cost of rebuilding these destroyed cities would be the \t\t\t\tfinal straw for our government, now so financially broke that it \t\t\t\twould hardly be able to keep itself alive. The voice in the \t\t\t\tvision told me that it would be this way, while the images from \t\t\t\tthe box showed Americans starving and lined up for food. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"The final visions from box eleven were like many images we now \t\t\t\tsee of Sarajevo: modern cities crumbling beneath the weight of \t\t\t\twarfare, their inhabitants fighting one another for reasons \t\t\t\tranging from racism to religious conflict. I saw many towns \t\t\t\tworldwide where desperate citizens were eating their own dead. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"In one such scene, Europeans in a hilly region of the world \t\t\t\twere weeping as they cooked human flesh. In rapid succession I \t\t\t\tsaw people of all five races eating their fellow humans." \t\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tBox twelve addressed the \t\t\t1990s, and concerned a man who sounds much like the anti-Christ \t\t\tfeatured in Christian prophecies. Brinkley described it thus: \t\t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"In this box I \t\t\t\twatched as a biological engineer from the Middle East found a \t\t\t\tway to alter DNA and create a biological virus that would be \t\t\t\tused in the manufacture of computer chips... \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"Before the end of the century, this man was among the richest \t\t\t\tin the world, so rich that he had a stranglehold on the world \t\t\t\teconomy. Still the world welcomed him, since the computer chips \t\t\t\the had designed somehow put the world on an even keel. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"Gradually he succumbed to his own power. He began to think of \t\t\t\thimself as a deity and insisted on greater control of the world. \t\t\t\tWith that extra control, he began to rule the world. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"His method of rule was unique. Everyone in the world was \t\t\t\tmandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted \t\t\t\tunderneath his or her skin. This chip contained all of an \t\t\t\tindividual's personal information. If a government agency wanted \t\t\t\tto know something, all it had to do as scan your chip with a \t\t\t\tspecial device... \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t"There was an even more sinister side to this chip. A person's \t\t\t\tlifetime could be limited by programming this chip to dissolve \t\t\t\tand kill him with the viral substance it was made from. \t\t\t\tLifetimes were controlled like this to avoid the cost that \t\t\t\tgrowing old places on the government. It was also used as a \t\t\t\tmeans of eliminating people with chronic illnesses..." Damn, I'm still waiting for my chip Danny. If you ever read this could you ask the King of the World to send it over? \t\t\t\t MelT \t\t\t\t