2012, Age of Aquarius, Baby Boom......

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by xXMelkorXx, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. This is a post of mine on a facebook group thread from *Paganism and Wicca*

    I was really stoned when I wrote this 5 minutes ago..but I also wanted to see what the bright philosophers and wise sages on GC wanted to get in on the debate..here yas goes.

    Okay, first off I would like to make it known that I really have come to no solid conclusion of what will happen in 2012. Most have certain theories, but most agree that 2012 will most likely be an eventuful year. With that said, there has been a recent influx of pregnancies and multiple births in the United States within the last 2 years, and most likely the rest of the world. The human population is growing rapidly. I came aware of this in my statistcs class this morning, while looking at recent birth records. I went home, with it on my mind.

    Now, I sit here thinking, with some sage burning, and some herb smoking. Could this possibly be related to the dawning of the age of aquarius. Most believe this will coinside with 2012,( not sure using which calander, possibly the Mayan Long Count??) Universal energies are changing and converging, yet becasue of recent trends in our world today, most believe that 2012 is an apocalyptic threat.

    I would like to disagree. I believe that what we are expierencing now is a precourser to a new way of living, and possibly a new worldview of the collective induvidual.
    Of course, one could argue that the recent influx of babies is the result of people having mutliple partners in a risky manner, because of the massive worldwide 'depression' if you will, the general negativeism that most people would agree is dominating human life.

    No, lately most of my divinations and tarot reading have been pointing to a positive future. I think we should always keep hope that the light and happiness that shines in our life would extend on a massive level. Be kind to your fellow man, because the universal is putting forth what is nessesary for change, changes in possible human evolution? The future lies near, as they say.

    Thoughts anyone? Agree, disagree, or discuss.
    Blessed Be!

  2. Great thought. I'd say any connection you make or have is a part of the consciousness. Let's have more people think on this. :)
  3. I say the flip in earth's polarity will be the best thing that has ever happened.Bring it on!

    The age of the enlightened mind is coming! The age of the love of life is coming! All we have to do is realize our potential increases with every passing day, on a collective scale, and we will speak to each other in dreams.

    Government will be unnecessary, peaceful anarchy will rule the thoughts of men, and we will speak to each other in dreams.

  4. Peaceful Anarchy? That isn't even possible. Maybe if people evolved by then, but typical human nature would never allow that to happen. You destroy authority and control, you have chaos. People won't accept this chaos so therefor someone will try to take control, others will not accept this and will fight back. People are selfish and greedy, that's why socialism would never work. It sounds nice it theory, but not in reality.

    But anyway, back to the discussion at hand. I don't believe anything can be predicted. You make a "prophecy" vague enough and anything can be true. I think people just need to relax and let whatever is going to happen happen.
  5. And if the necessary evolution is already under way, and I for one believe it is, then we are only a generation or two away from the perfection of a new gene, which will make all the past as irrelevant as the religious mythology of the neanderthals.

    How many of us would live as marauding savages if there were no leaders? I for one, derive no benefit from the imposed faux morality of the pirates who run my country, I am the only reason in my governance.

    I feel that soon we will no longer be held back from true achievement by the inferior systems we use to shackle our thinking, called the status quo. I could be wrong, but my experiences and observations tell me otherwise, I feel that we are witnessing the last gasp of the violent overlords who have dominated us forever, and that soon, through the peaceful creation of a system of social equality, we may bring our conciousness into balance with our group awarenesses.

    It's a dream I've had, and I don't think I'm the only one. Check out the history of Tralfamadore! (Vonnegutian)
  6. Does anybody else think that in 2012, half the world is going to think something changed, and the other half is going to think nothing changed at all?

    I think nothing is going to happen, but people are going to say things that are happening are because its 2012. 2012 miracles or something....

    When do all the planets align? is that 2012?
  7. I believe the age of aquarius starts in 2150, not 2012

  8. Excuse me, but I'd like to think that the true human nature is the contrary. Selfishness and greed is merely an effect in which the system we live in is the cause. People are not born that way, they are conditioned that way. Capitalism, imperialistic ideals, and the fact that every part of society is based on the triangle hiearchy leads people to act in that way.

  9. The sun is aligning with the center of our galaxy- which is a huge black hole. Many believe this will cause a large gravitational pull which some think the poles will reverse and others believe this gravitational shift will be the stepping stone to a shift in human consciousness. It's not like once 11:11 on the 21st of December, 2012 there will be a sudden shift, it happens over time. The mayans believed it to be 13 year period, which began on 1999. Perhaps that is the reason why all our standard institutions- be it religion and politics are crumbling. We are going through turbulant times but stay on for the ride, because at the end of the "rainbow" the pot of gold awaits- the pot of gold of course represents the Golden Age. The age of true freedom, peace, and love. Governments will be useless- there was never a need to "govern"- to control, our mind, "ment"- latin prefix for mind. Our chakras will balance out and we will finally be free to pursue our spiritual nature.
  10. Nothing is going to happen in 2012 except the Ravens are going to WIN THE SUPER BOWL! And I am going to be WCG champion =].

    I will bet anyone here 100 dollars that the world doesn't end nor does earth's magnetic polarity switch.

  11. lol So nonchalant with our use of "nothing", aren't we? I'd say nothing just means the potential that something can happen.
  12. you answered my question and more. thank you.
  13. All very interesting opinions. Though, most seem to have quality scientific explanations. Anyone have any religous opinions behind another Age dawning. There seems to be mostly Pagans or those with Eastern Beliefs seem to think of the world in a ever evolving state, and just think the world is ending and their god sets up a perfect world for everybody.
  14. Im skeptical but hope for something, anything that would make the world a better place than it already is. Society is in a constant downward spiral, its in front of everyones eyes for them to see clearly, and still we have done nothing to change it.
  15. I have really been noticing the baby boom. In the past year all of my friends developed long term relationships, and established commitments to be with each other, in one way or another. For two of my closest buddies this happened without their ability to stop it, because they got the girl that they were with pregnant.

    There is a term out there called 'indigo children' which is what the children coming into the world since the 80's have been known as. (or at least most of them).

    It seems to be a stepping stone in consciousness, like the transition between cro-magnon man and modern man.

    Actually yesterday I just watched a national geographic thing on YouTube, about the dawn of civilization in Peru, with the Incas. The documentary says that they found a 'mother city', or a missing archaeological link city of a Civilization that hasn't been altered since it was built.

    The reason why the city had not been touched for so many thousands of years is that it is in a desert, however their was a river flowing near by that they were able to divert and use as irragation to make the desert bloom with cotton. Aperently the enhabitants used the rivers as an extensive network, to trade this cotton all over south central america. (Native populations understand trade, not possessions.)

    One of the main scientists that was on the special, discusses how he visited the sight in order to support his thesis that Civilizations formed in order to group people together, as a protection mechanism from constant threats such as war. And that ultimately death formed civilization. However what they found was not an answer to that thesis, but exactly the reverse.

    In the city they found no city walls, no spears, arrows, or any other weapons of war. They found that the only tools that they had were crude rocks, and woven materials.

    If anybody knows anything about the suspended bridges in the mountains you'll know that the incan's can braid. and it was this knowledge that allowed them to change that cotton into netting which could be used to catch fish in the ocean which was many miles away. And then the fishers could come back and trade their fish for many goods that they would need.

    Obviously you can see that as an agricultural society their knowledge of the stars and cycles is very dependant on their ability to sustain their way of life and to them would be an example of god providing them with the knowledge and ability to survive in their environment, and live naturally and harmoniously with it.
  16. Mad +rep to OP!!!! brilliantly written, i loved reading it. We need more people like you, we cant be negative anymore. We have to be a race of hope i think. hopefully you are right. i hope that something great happens. i know ill keep trying to improve all of our lives in anyway i can, lets all try together and im sure something great will happen =) :smoking:

  17. It "will".
  18. There's a safe bet. You either make $100 or die along with the rest of humanity.

    Every 11 years, the Sun experiences a particularly vicious change in energy. The next one is scheduled for 2012.

    The surface of the sun is an extremely volatile area, and there are often bursts of energy that emit from the Corona--or topmost layer of the Sun. An extremely large burst of energy called a Coronal Mass Ejection, sometimes referred to as a solar storm, could be strong enough to strike Earth's surface. This would result in our satellites being knocked out of the sky and global blackouts. The Earth was victim to a Coronal Mass Ejection in 1859, but at the time the only thing affected was telegraph lines. I think if anything disastrous is to happen in 2012, it will be this.

  19. correct, glad to see more of us here.

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