I recently found out about this site that started up the old runescape and they have a lot of players on there, and the website looks just like the old runescape and the gameplay is the exact same as the old days, you do have to donate $2 to play tho, the website is: 06scape (Dot) com you can check out videos on youtube of pking or skilling and what not just type in 06scape. just thought I would tell the people who liked how the old rs was, peace!
I was thinking about trying it out but there have been SOME good updates that Jagex added from 06-12. I feel like it's just a giant step backwards, especially since you're restarting an account too.
Lol i always end up getting up and walking outside when i feel i have played video games for too long!!
You have to donate $2 and it's in per alpha stage right now but once alpha is released in like a month it's free.
[quote name='"StimulateMyMind"'] Not even gonna waste my time commenting on what I think about this post.[/quote] What's wrong with it?
He is probably going to tell us what anyone who plays video games has been told thousands of times..that it's a stupid waste of time and that RS sucks
[quote name='"LSDForPeace"'] He is probably going to tell us what anyone who plays video games has been told thousands of times..that it's a stupid waste of time and that RS sucks[/quote] I was thinking he was gonna call OP out for spam or something...
Haha yeah that's what I was thinking so I edited the link, but yeah it's pretty fun pking like the old days, like someone else said it doesn't have all the updated graphics like the current rs, but it's no big deal for me. The only bad thing is a lot of the prices are high on things like potions and ammys because most people are just pking in the game and there are not many skillers so they can pretty much charge what they want
It was the people not the game. The people in 2006 plus me being a 12 year old and not knowing there is life to live made that game so fucking amazing to me at the time. It was my life, as it was alot of other kids, it should be banned lol
Sorry to gravedig but I'm nostalgia-ing through Runescape posts at the moment... I've been following "Mod Vault" for a while in his efforts to fix and revive Runescape. It originally was going to be Runescape07, then it became Runescape06. I was a member on one of his first forums, but I don't think it still exists. I'm excited to see how this goes and I think they are close to being in Beta stage... Heres a video I found on their site. 2006Scape Official Trailer - YouTube