ya so i had to do this research paper for a class, took like 7 books for it from the library, they told me i could get up to 20 and that it would automatically renew. But i guess i forgot to enable it to renew! SHIT NO ONE EVER TOLD ME THIS!! now im fucked with a $200 fee, and the fuckers had my email, they waited until it was at $200 was owed to send me a notice. what do i do? i only have like 40 dollars on me atm. I guess ill just go there and make payments on it. im gonna go turn in the books tomorrow. lol shit. $200 was basically my weed money for the next 2 months. im gonna look like such a fucking retard with a 200$ library book fine.
The funny part is, im not the only one in that class with a fine. Most of the kids took out 3-4 books at least. And none of them were told about this either. LOL im gonna turn my books in tomorrow, but im wondering if i should tell my class about it, or be a dick and let there fee's get to 1000 dollars.
ya you just drop the books in this thing outside, i think. Then ill just wait and see if they send me a fine notice.
actually i read on there website this is serious shit, it says they basically send out bounty hunters to track you down. not lieing, says theres one out for me now. fuck.
I'd kick up some serious shit bro. They told you it would automatically renew, yet it never. I wouldn't be paying no $200 fine for books from the library.
worst part is my card was registered at my sisters house. so the bounty hunter will find her before they find me. i just hope its not dog the bounty hunter, i dont wanna be on that show.
You and the rest of the people who weren't notified should band together and file a petition on the library. Or settle this in a intelligent manner.
im scared as shit since im high as fuck lol. but apparently due to budget cuts there increasing there fee's and having collection agencys track you down if you forget to pay. I honestly forgot about the books it was a mistake. but oh well, its just gonna be embarrassing as fuck turning myself in.
I'd do this to. But be careful, librarians are the toughest loan-sharks in the game. My friend didn't pay up his $5 dollar late fee... came to his house, tied him up, beat him with a bat, shot him in the knee caps.... as you can imagine, he turned em' in on time from then on. WITH interest.
if they told you it would automaticly renew, then u go back and you fucking BITCH AT THEM. i would not take that kind of shit. fuckers arnt gunna lie to me. hahha
This "story" makes no sense at all. They told you could take out as many as 20 book and they would "renew" themselves (which doesn't sound right to me). Return your books, talk to the head libraian and explain what the counter worker told you about the renewing process, and explain the situation of other students. I highly doubt they have a bounty hunter for unpaid fees. It would cost more to hire a bounty hunter than get your 200 dollars...
i think the problem was i didnt have a phone at that time, so i left it blank when i signed up. they couldnt call me up with one of the automated things. So ill say i didnt get any of the notices for along time, and see what they say. it says for fee's over 25$ they send a bounty hunter so im fucked at 200$ they prolly got like 6 teams of bounty hunters looking for me.
Not to be a bitch or anything, but did you ever go to the library prior to this? I haven't been in a library in years and even i know you have to actually let them know you want to renew and that you haven't just forgot (or run off with their books).
ya i know, our class got some special deal i thought they said we could keep it for longer, since we live far away from that library.
I would definitely be like, "Yo, you guys made it sound like everything would be peachy keen if we kept the books a little longer since we live so far away.". Just be persistant and see what happens.
They're are using the scare tactic. No way in fuck are they gonna send no bounty hunter for you. You know how many people get fees? This library is sketchy, throw a grenade on top of the roof during a blizzard.