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20$ for glass pipe, 4-6 inches, worth it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Casper The Don, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. i like it, seems like quality glass to me
  2. yea sounds pretty good appears from the pic to be decently thick glass, i like the blue and orange one, my fav colors
  3. Go for it, looks good.
  4. The yellow looks to be the best quality.
  5. 20 is a good deal, looks like pretty good glass, cool design, i say gopher it.
  6. Get em and start resin'n them out.
  7. Depending on where you are, I could save you some bucks ... I have pipes like those in this convenience store that's near me .. and they're $10 ...
  8. Yeah man sketchy gas stations are the place to go for cheap low-end pieces. Got a solid bubs from a convenience store for $35.
  9. i was gona say no until i saw how pretty they were. if you're really an apprentice and you want something cool for your first piece or so then go for it! :smoke:
  10. me2 like it
  11. get a bubbler i got mine for 15 at the gas station and its a champ forreal ( :

  12. If theres other headshops around u, i suggest trying them out before buying this one. U can find the same one for about half the price.
  13. My pipe I believe is 4 inches, and it costed $60... but it's much more quality than those.

    For $20, it's probably a good deal, atleast to me. Though as other people say, depending on where you live, you could get them cheaper.
  14. I got a pipe like that from a sketchy ass gas station for 8 dollars. I'd try that first, $20 is a little ridiculous imo.
  15. Sounds like an alright deal. I'd do it
  16. Those aren't the actual pipes, but they look like those just fatter and longer. I live in Louisville, Kentucky and this pipe is from Smokey's.
  17. That's how much pipes that size are at my headshop, do it.
  18. 20 sounds good, around me most the pipes are around the same price.
  19. worth $10 tops... those kinds of pipes get given away for free at dispensaries out here...

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